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It was ok for what it was. I'm not a fan of the Ezra character but the show had a few arcs that I liked especially the stuff dealing with Maul






If this is gonna solely take place on tattooine I hope in the obi wan show he’s not just there
I had a feeling that something tragic had happened to the Tusken Raiders. Time for Boba to go to war with the Pykes
How tf an animal the size of Shaq, hits a human with electrolyzed spiky brass knuckles in the face and you shrug that off?
A fuckin lil ass monkey will fuck up a human, you telling me this negro version of the abominable snowman couldn't one shot everybody in this show with ease? Hmph

Anyway recruiting is definitely the way for him right now. He does too much of the dirty work on his own. I wouldn't respect him neither. Maybe after he gets rid of the pykes people will give him some props.