The Black Panther hoax......seems like we can't have shit these days.

Mister B.

The Devil’s Greatest Advocate…..
Aug 13, 2017
The thoroughest borough....BK (via Wilmington, DE)
So, there's this rather Chatty Patty hoax going around that Black Twitter is upset at Michael B. Jordan, one of the actors in the new Black Panther movie.

So, the while thing is stating that black women (and a few men) have threatened to boycott Black Panther because MBJ was dating a white chick.

I mean.....goddamn, cuh. The cacs out here REALLY wanna sink this film, don't they?

Are you even going to see BP from jump. The hype for this movie amongst black folk is at an all-time high, so I could understand why some melanin-deprived folk would want it to fail.
Somebody behind the scenes is trying to do the same thing they did to Nate Parker with Birth of a Nation.

Notice how you don't hear about anybody trying to protest movies like The Help, 12 Years a Slave, The Butler, etc.

The only movies that are getting targeted are the ones that are portraying black men in a position of strength and power.
I don't care who he's fucking, I'm going to see the movie regardless because I want to see the movie. The colour of the woman he chooses to fuck has no bearing on what movies I'll watch. How he lives his live personally is up to him, as long as he brings the goods on screen as an actor that's all I care about.

To the OP, how do you figure cacs are the problem here if it's black people threatening to boycott the movie? If black folks are boycotting the film, that's on them and if you're trying to imply cacs are convincing black folks to boycott the movie, then that's on them for being dumb enough to assume massa knows best and that they'll be good uncle Toms and play along. I actually haven't heard of any white people being mad about Michael B. Jordan dating anyone because most people only know him as that guy from Chronicle and Creed and couldn't give a shit about who or what he does personally. If anything most are invested in Marvel Studios tribalism and will go see anything they make these days for the silver screen even if people are starting to doubt the TV projects quality as it seems they're getting worse.
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I have yet to see any of the hotep leaders say shit about it so I always assumed it was bullshit
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