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The 2020 Vice Presidential Debate Thread (Kamala Harris vs. Mike Pence)

That speaking time is crazy. 3 second difference between them both

Idk how lol
I’d be called a Russian/proud boy/ cop if I keep going. :chillout:

I’ll leave this for you tho

Imagine Trump or Pence or a poster on this board talking like this.

“When we look at the condition of black men we know we got a whole lotta work to do”

“every mam, including every black man”

“investing in communities with a particular concern about the, those communities that have been neglected”

Bitch is a joke just as much as Pence.

I don't get it
Break it down?
What did you need broke down?

The part about black men needing a WHOLE LOT of work?

Or the part where she said EVERY MAN then included black men after being asked specifically about black men?
I'm team Fuck Em Both 2020 but I took that entirely diff than u

In context she said "every vote needs to be earned.....in regards to black men there's a lot of work that needs to be done."

The same as saying "we have a lot of work to do"

If u wanna argue that they're lacking in policy or specifics that's one thing. But I think u took that clip the wrong way bc right after saying that she elaborated what "work" she was referring to ie policing.