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The 2020 Vice Presidential Debate Thread (Kamala Harris vs. Mike Pence)

they need to scrap the VP debates lol

like, i didnt gain anything from tonight except Pence attracts flies
She made all cops wear body cameras. She prosecuted bankers. That was pretty much her answer. Yet the biggest financial criminal under her in Cali runs the Treasury department right now.

Kamala is a joke. She is afraid to speak to us straight up because it might turn off her white voters.
Keep going nh
Ok. I'm going to be as objective as I can about the Veep debate:

This was subtle. Subtle is good. Subtle was needed.

I thought Officer Harris was going to DESTROY this dude. She had several chances to bury him. She won on points, but this wasn't the dogwalking y'all all hyped it up to be.

I STILL say Susan Rice would've been perfect for this spot....or Mayor KL Bottoms.

Pence - dim-witted as he appeared - actually got some shots in. He smashed the Officer on her record....which she should've saw coming. I told y'all locking up black and brown folk was going to come back to haunt her. He had her stuttering a bit.

Pence also got a point in on that Green New Deal. She said one thing; Uncle Joe said another. Pence exploited that. Good call.

Harris wrecked Pence on Climate Change, Racial Justice, China, and the failed trade war. Why didn't Uncle Joe do this, again?

The FLY was the real MVP tonight. Flies smell shit....I guess that's why it camped out on Pence's head for a good minute.

Harris smiled TOO MUCH for me. And she was too snarky at times.

Shouts out to the moderator for actually putting her foot in Pence ass.

I didn't appreciate the insincere insincerity from Pence. Duke dodged questions like he was playing for Average's Joe.

In the end, NONE of this debate matters, or matters extremely little. Y'all know who you're rocking with - except me, apparently. This was just a show of #2s. I forgot Pence WAS the Veep, honestly.

Go vote anyway.
It’s all a show at this point. People know who they voting for or if they even voting at all already for the most part.