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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I can’t say for sure, but you seem pretty adamant about your opinion so I’ll let you have it.

You can't let me have something that is already mine.

How can you get something from a politician you voting for when they have already been bought off? Yall just going through the motions to make yourselves feel better and that you actually did something even though deep down yall no it doesn't matter.

Until money is taken out of politics voting is just an exercise in futility.

If we both go to a politician's office and request a meeting with said politician. You tell the secretary that you voted for that person and I tell the secretary that I donated money to their campaign but didn't vote. Who do you really think that politician is going to meet with first?

Lobbyist, pac and superpacs exist for a reason and it ain't to get politicians to do what's best for the people.

Money runs america and black people need to stop acting like it doesn't. Until then niggas is just stuck on a hamster wheel to nowhere.
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You can't let me have something that is already mine.

How can you get something from a politician you voting for when they have already been bought off? Yall just going through the motions to make yourselves feel better and that you actually did something even though deep down yall no it doesn't matter.

Until money is taken out of politics voting is just an exercise in futility.

If we both go to a politician's office and request a meeting with said politician. You tell the secretary that you voted for that person and I tell the secretary that I donated money to their campaign but didn't vote. Who do you really think that politician is going to meet with first?

Lobbyist, pac and superpacs exist for a reason and it ain't to get politicians to do what's best for the people.

Money runs america and black people need to stop acting like it doesn't. Until then niggas is just stuck on a hamster wheel to nowhere.
So money elects politicians and not people. Even though a candidate just dropped half a billion...

Never mind, like I said, you got it.
When niggas complain they complain hard.

I don't know if I'm included in the "niggas" you speaking of but just in case I ain't complaining. Cause nothing you niggas do in life is unacceptable to me when it comes to politics.

We not playing for the same team or have the same goals. So I'm good
Analyses of U.S. politics centered on economic elites go back at least to Charles Beard, who maintained that a chief aim of the framers of the U.S. Constitution was to protect private property, favoring the economic interests of wealthy merchants and plantation owners rather than the interests of the then-majority small farmers, laborers, and craft workers. A landmark work in this tradition is G. William Domhoff ’s detailed account of how elites (working through foundations, think-tanks, and an “opinionshaping apparatus,” as well as through the lobbyists and politicians they finance) may dominate key issues in U.S. policy making despite the existence of democratic elections. Philip A. Burch has exhaustively chronicled the economic backgrounds of federal government officials through American history. Thomas Ferguson’s analysis of the political importance of“major investors” might be seen as a theory of economic elites. Most recently, Jeffrey Winters has posited a comparative theory of “Oligarchy,” in which the wealthiest citizens—even in a “civil oligarchy” like the United States—dominate policy concerning crucial issues of wealth and income protection.11 Our third and fourth theoretical traditions posit that public policy generally reflects the outcome of struggle among organized interest groups and business firms.

I said money buys politicians. Reading is fundamental
Look, I get your point. No matter who you vote for they getting bought off. I just think even with the buying off one candidate can be better than another. If you don’t believe that then you haven’t been paying attention the past three years.
Look, I get your point. No matter who you vote for they getting bought off. I just think even with the buying off one candidate can be better than another. If you don’t believe that then you haven’t been paying attention the past three years.

I sure don't believe that
For all the people that wont vote for Biden,

Will yall vote for him if he picks Elizabeth Warren as his VP?

I think we all know Bidens VP will have a significant input on his policies cause Bidens the type of mfer that needs help and knows he needs help.

So if Warren was to be the VP, will yall vote for him just off knowing she will have a good amount of influence on him?
For all the people that wont vote for Biden,

Will yall vote for him if he picks Elizabeth Warren as his VP?

I think we all know Bidens VP will have a significant input on his policies cause Bidens the type of mfer that needs help and knows he needs help.

So if Warren was to be the VP, will yall vote for him just off knowing she will have a good amount of influence on him?

I'm hoping he chooses Stacey Abrams.
He's asking you on a personal level what it is that you are going to do to help make a difference not what the Democratic Party is doing

thats not how i took it

and hes one individual amongst a sea of niggas that believe in voting. we need more to wake up baby
For all the people that wont vote for Biden,

Will yall vote for him if he picks Elizabeth Warren as his VP?

I think we all know Bidens VP will have a significant input on his policies cause Bidens the type of mfer that needs help and knows he needs help.

So if Warren was to be the VP, will yall vote for him just off knowing she will have a good amount of influence on him?

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