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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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They don’t want him there either

Yeah, let's not forget that some people lost their businesses in that area because Trump kept going to Mar a lago. Basically, everytime he popped up, the Secret Service had to shut certain places down until he left. Since he went down there so much, some of those businesses were having to shut down on a weekly basis during some of their most active periods.

Trump has been a menace since the beginning, but he's gotten away with it.
I thought we wanted him to pick diversity? Lol.

I don’t get it. We want diverse picks, we get them, and they’re either not black enough or it’s pandering.

And I’m not singling you out, it’s just a trend I’m observing.
Listen to his call w the civil rights leaders and look at his picks
Diversity is irrelevant if the person is going to keep it business as usual. I’m not saying that about this pick, but he has at least 3 picks that bother me. Sometimes pandering is pandering.
I feel you on that for sure. Which 3 bother you and why? Real question cause I haven’t personally researched them.
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