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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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*siiiiiighs* 2 words. Illegal aliens.

She claimed Illegal aliens (undocumented) are a part of that "blue wave" they fancied about. Sadly, the msm won't report on this, but yeah. She mentioned this at an HBCU. She don't mind illegals kids getting Hope scholarship either.

In case you can't figure it out, she doesn't mind support for illegal aliens. So now, aside from orange-man and his good ol' boys like Kemp. We gonna have to deal w/ more racism from the very illegals Stacey wants to elevate. Once they get educated enough, we'll have to deal w/ them too in the workforce, police force, an illegal alien judge, cop, prosecutor etc.. etc... This is the platform and goal of Democrats. They want them to have FULL rights.

Next, you can view more support for illegals on her very own "immigrantjustice" page. And oh yes! As documented... She does mean EVERYONE.

I talk every day about my mission to build a Georgia where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to thrive. And I want to be clear: I do mean everyone who resides in our state. Nearly one in ten Georgians migrated here from another country. Together, though, we have one of the nation’s strongest economies and a legacy of civil and human rights. When every person in our state is included in Georgia’s progress, our communities and economy grow stronger.

Our mission is to build a state of excellent public schools where we educate children from cradle to career; to expand access to health care; to build a thriving and diverse economy with jobs that create wealth and opportunity; and to support entrepreneurs of all backgrounds to start and grow small businesses. We must do all of this hand in hand with the diverse immigrant communities across our state.

This current party of democrats don't seem to mind these folks having full human rights. And before you try and defend her and her party, they are the very type that don't treat blacks like humans in the countries they came from.

Think before you tell me how wrong I am. Nobody wants to hear the truth.
You can choose to complain or deal with the reality of the situation.

Who's complaining?? I'm stating facts.

We are a nation of immigrants.

Legal immigrants. The only reason why the current democrats want them regardless of legality is so they can have they votes eventually.

And who is this "we" that you speak of?? My family (and I'm sure a lot of others) "didn't migrate" here. We were either already here if you know your history or we were brought here.

Mexicans are going to get in and they’re going to gain citizenship. They are going to be a bigger voting block than us.

100% accurate with this one.

This will be due to democrats tho.

What’s the problem with a black woman using them to get in office?

Oh! So since it's a black woman using them to get in office, then it's okay.

Um no. The problem is what I've already mentioned in my first post. More racism. Which is even more of a headache on top of what we already had w/ orange-man and his good ol' boys. Wise up man. Don't be fooled just because a politician has the (D) in front of their name.
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