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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I watch niggas complain and make excuses for everything in Politics.

Obama is President for 8 years and all niggas did was complain and say he didn't do shit for us. Now niggas are complaining about what our next candidate is gonna do for us. Maybe niggas need to step back and ask what exactly are they looking for and how do we obtain it. Are the questions about what people's policies are sound good but don't mean shit if the POTUS isn't supported by Congress. Obama nominated Merrick garland for the SCOUTS seat but since he did not have the support in congress Garland didn't win the seat. Trump wins the POTUS and has the support of Congress and he fills 2 SCOTUS seats with right wingers.

So maybe niggas should be less focused on relying on one POTUS to change our lives and more focused on how our voices and impact can be felt across the board. Does it matter what Bernie or Biden's policies are if they don't hold the House or the Senate? No it doesn't. Here's what we do know. Joe Biden has more support in Congress than Bernie Sanders. So all of that lovely shit you think Bernie would get done, you can save it. He would never get it passed. Bernie Sanders s not a well liked politicians on either side. Niggas will use that same tired as comeback and say this is just me arguing for same ol same ol but it's not. I'm being fucking realistic. Niggas only see one part of the win. There's more to being POTUS than just winning the election. You need to be able to have enough clout to actually get shit done. Joe Biden has enough clot to do that but niggas don't wanna hear that They wanna complain and say he's gonna keep shit status quo. Well nigga when your options are go back to status quo or go forward down Trump's path why are you wasting time complaining about it being status quo? Don't you realize that just because people are voting for that now doesn't mean that's the way they want it forever. People act like niggas need to make a decision for the rest of their lives on one election.

It's not like that. I'm tired of seeing people talk like black people don't know any better. That's disrespectful and you put niggas in a situation where they can't win. Niggas complain when we vote for shit that looks status quo but as a race we suck at organizing. As a race we suck at staying strong as a community. As a race we absolutely suck at falling in step with each other. So because of that every election cycle you see a whole group of niggas that can't wait to jump on their soap box to tell you how much smarter and how much more they know than your average nigga when in reality y'all niggas ain't moving no needles. So save your breath. Up here thinking niggas are brainwashed. No. Niggas just see the game for what it is. If you got a problem with it don't just sit there and complain. get up and do something about it nigga. You can start by voting. If you don't like the options on who to vote for you can start by voting for better options. But don't sit here after the fact and act like you are above all else with your views.
I'm a complaining nigga, I want my ppl to be an actual factor and not a pandered or ignored group. I want the damn potus to talk to us on all levels on what the policies are for blacks not some vague shit

And I do things to build up my community through my work this group F.A.S.T

A lot of us want that but we aren't there right now. What I don't like is when niggas complain about this and think that because we aren't there that we either shouldn't vote or don't do anything. Niggas need to realize that it's gonna take a whole lifetime before we ever see policies for black people. I don't like how we easily say what we want and get upset because it isn't happening fast enough. Have niggas been sleep for centuries? Did you think that black people would just walk out of the struggle? Why are niggas so surprised that to this day it's still hard for us to overcome? It's gonna be a long road and I feel like every time a situation like this occurs where you have a candidate like Biden niggas complain that our needs aren't being met and they think everything just ends there. I'm arguing that shit doesn't stop there and we need to learn how to build momentum. We need to learn how to build movements that are sustainable.

All of the movements that niggas love to point out from back in the day were not sustained. I've seen people in here say that we were stronger back then. Well we haven't sustained that shit. We need to learn how to be in lock step. To do that the first thing we need to do is come together on major political issues. We need to come together as a race on major ideology. As a race we need to come together on what our policies should be in then first place. Hell within the black community we have multiple internal wars. Niggas are at each others throats everyday about finances, sexuality, education, feminism, racism, equality, etc. You can't find anything that black people in America universally agree on but when niggas fall in line with the "status quo" they get shitted on as if we are turning away from some other movement.

Point me to who, what, when, where, why, and how black people are united and then you'll see us break away from the "status quo" as a majority. Until then niggas need to understand that it's gonna continue to be that way.
I watch niggas complain and make excuses for everything in Politics.

Obama is President for 8 years and all niggas did was complain and say he didn't do shit for us. Now niggas are complaining about what our next candidate is gonna do for us. Maybe niggas need to step back and ask what exactly are they looking for and how do we obtain it. Are the questions about what people's policies are sound good but don't mean shit if the POTUS isn't supported by Congress. Obama nominated Merrick garland for the SCOUTS seat but since he did not have the support in congress Garland didn't win the seat. Trump wins the POTUS and has the support of Congress and he fills 2 SCOTUS seats with right wingers.

So maybe niggas should be less focused on relying on one POTUS to change our lives and more focused on how our voices and impact can be felt across the board. Does it matter what Bernie or Biden's policies are if they don't hold the House or the Senate? No it doesn't. Here's what we do know. Joe Biden has more support in Congress than Bernie Sanders. So all of that lovely shit you think Bernie would get done, you can save it. He would never get it passed. Bernie Sanders s not a well liked politicians on either side. Niggas will use that same tired as comeback and say this is just me arguing for same ol same ol but it's not. I'm being fucking realistic. Niggas only see one part of the win. There's more to being POTUS than just winning the election. You need to be able to have enough clout to actually get shit done. Joe Biden has enough clot to do that but niggas don't wanna hear that They wanna complain and say he's gonna keep shit status quo. Well nigga when your options are go back to status quo or go forward down Trump's path why are you wasting time complaining about it being status quo? Don't you realize that just because people are voting for that now doesn't mean that's the way they want it forever. People act like niggas need to make a decision for the rest of their lives on one election.

It's not like that. I'm tired of seeing people talk like black people don't know any better. That's disrespectful and you put niggas in a situation where they can't win. Niggas complain when we vote for shit that looks status quo but as a race we suck at organizing. As a race we suck at staying strong as a community. As a race we absolutely suck at falling in step with each other. So because of that every election cycle you see a whole group of niggas that can't wait to jump on their soap box to tell you how much smarter and how much more they know than your average nigga when in reality y'all niggas ain't moving no needles. So save your breath. Up here thinking niggas are brainwashed. No. Niggas just see the game for what it is. If you got a problem with it don't just sit there and complain. get up and do something about it nigga. You can start by voting. If you don't like the options on who to vote for you can start by voting for better options. But don't sit here after the fact and act like you are above all else with your views.

just say youre fine with the bare minimum and keep it moving. tired of reading 5 paragraphs of you wishing niggas would shut up and accept whatever's given to them
just say youre fine with the bare minimum and keep it moving. tired of reading 5 paragraphs of you wishing niggas would shut up and accept whatever's given to them

That's not what I'm advocating for but please keep being ignorant. You want niggas to have a political revolution before we even get united on issues and policies. That shit will fail out of the gates. The fuck are niggas supposed to get anything done if we aren't united? By disparaging them for not jumping into a battle that we can't win? That's what your advocating for. You talk a lot of shit about what we shouldn't want and what we shouldn't do but you don't have any clue on how to get us to where you think we should be.

You admitted that you don't even vote which is ignorant as fuck considering in the country and democracy that us black people currently live in, voting is one of if not the most vital and powerful tools we have at our disposal. But keep on telling niggas how they could be doing better without having any idea how to make it happen.
That's not what I'm advocating for but please keep being ignorant. You want niggas to have a political revolution before we even get united on issues and policies. That shit will fail out of the gates. The fuck are niggas supposed to get anything done if we aren't united? By disparaging them for not jumping into a battle that we can't win? That's what your advocating for. You talk a lot of shit about what we shouldn't want and what we shouldn't do but you don't have any clue on how to get us to where you think we should be.

You admitted that you don't even vote which is ignorant as fuck considering in the country and democracy that us black people currently live in, voting is one of if not the most vital and powerful tools we have at our disposal. But keep on telling niggas how they could be doing better without having any idea how to make it happen.
Personal slights aside, I agree with this take. We need to be united on what we want before we can complain about not having. We really need a leader who can articulate the black agenda. And it has to be a common sense agenda.

And we have to vote. We’d hopefully vote for the person that supports the black agenda, but absent that, vote for the person that would do us the least harm. So if your particular candidate of choice doesn’t get the nomination, get all in behind the person that would do us the least harm.

Not voting is basically voting for the eventual winner of the election.
Personal slights aside, I agree with this take. We need to be united on what we want before we can complain about not having. We really need a leader who can articulate the black agenda. And it has to be a common sense agenda.

And we have to vote. We’d hopefully vote for the person that supports the black agenda, but absent that, vote for the person that would do us the least harm. So if your particular candidate of choice doesn’t get the nomination, get all in behind the person that would do us the least harm.

Not voting is basically voting for the eventual winner of the election.

That's not what I'm advocating for but please keep being ignorant. You want niggas to have a political revolution before we even get united on issues and policies. That shit will fail out of the gates. The fuck are niggas supposed to get anything done if we aren't united? By disparaging them for not jumping into a battle that we can't win? That's what your advocating for. You talk a lot of shit about what we shouldn't want and what we shouldn't do but you don't have any clue on how to get us to where you think we should be.

You admitted that you don't even vote which is ignorant as fuck considering in the country and democracy that us black people currently live in, voting is one of if not the most vital and powerful tools we have at our disposal. But keep on telling niggas how they could be doing better without having any idea how to make it happen.

thing is niggas vote and thats it

thats their only contribution to society. they vote then go back to ignoring Black and Brown youth, get back to shaming the poor, go back to debating whether trans men and women deserve basic human rights. get back to berating single mothers on government assistance. get back to telling homeless ppl to get a job, demanding undocumented humans go home, go back to NOT holding the ppl already in office accountable.

so please stop with the vote or die bs
thing is niggas vote and thats it

thats their only contribution to society. they vote then go back to ignoring Black and Brown youth, get back to shaming the poor, go back to debating whether trans men and women deserve basic human rights. get back to berating single mothers on government assistance. get back to telling homeless ppl to get a job, demanding undocumented humans go home, go back to NOT holding the ppl already in office accountable.

so please stop with the vote or die bs

It's not vote or die. Why do you think it's so extreme? I asked you to explain the alternatives and you can't. What's the alternative to voting in this democracy for black people? What other avenues do we have? What are our options? You don't have those answers and it probably makes you upset.
Well they are both old af

Sanders is running a terrible campaign and needs to fire his campaign manager asap.

It's funny seeing the supporters of the candidate who had a heart attack during the campaign now start to bring up health concerns. Bernie blew this campaign by himself. he didn't learn shit from 2016. His supporters are ignoring him in favor of his policies but the reality of it is he's not the guy. He ain't it.
thing is niggas vote and thats it

thats their only contribution to society. they vote then go back to ignoring Black and Brown youth, get back to shaming the poor, go back to debating whether trans men and women deserve basic human rights. get back to berating single mothers on government assistance. get back to telling homeless ppl to get a job, demanding undocumented humans go home, go back to NOT holding the ppl already in office accountable.

so please stop with the vote or die bs
We’re advocating voting as a minimum requirement, not the end all be all.
Admittedly I dont 100% know everyones policy thats running, but I do know Bidens questionable stance on marijuana. And that alone makes me question everything he supposedly is for. To me this is just another game of 'Say w/e to win'.

From 11/19/2019

This story is from 11/21/2019

Then him backtracking in a story from 11/26/2019

And now this article from a few days ago 3/6/2020. Hes frustrated people still think, he thinks that this is a gateway drug, but...at the same time implies its a gateway drug. Like BRUH

The only way to legalize it in all states is through congress from my understanding. Im sure if it passed the house and senate biden wouldnt veto it.

What hes talking about up top is rescheduling marijuana at the federal level. He just needs to take it off the controlled substance list completely and make it a commercial item. Most states will follow suit because they want the tax money.
The only way to legalize it in all states is through congress from my understanding. Im sure if it passed the house and senate biden wouldnt veto it.

What hes talking about up top is rescheduling marijuana at the federal level. He just needs to take it off the controlled substance list completely and make it a commercial item. Most states will follow suit because they want the tax money.
Thats what all the rational people know, but in hes still talking like its the Regan era. Thats why he has all the slip ups that his team have to get him to backtrack.
Was having a conversation earlier about what folks are gonna do as this shit gets worse and they can't go into work... don't have the option to work from home or as schools close and folks will have to stay home to look after their kids..

If folks can't go to work they cant make bread... if they don't have money the economy screeches to a halt.

A Universal Basic Income needs to be in the discussion IMO.. cuz its obvious automation isn't the only risk to working folks at this point.
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