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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Bubbles have been proven successful this year

Just in passing I've read Biden's first 100 days include helping 11 million dreamers gain citizenship, bringing in 500k indian immigrants and giving the LGBT benefits. Meanwhile we're being slaughtered in the streets by cops with impunity..

Short of reparations there isn't a single thing that a POTUS can do that directly effects Black people and only Black people so you need to broaden your education on how our government works.

There's already and infrastructure in place that can give 11M dreamers citizenship

There's already an infrastructure in place that can give 500K Indian immigrants citizenship

There's already an infrastructure in place that gives LGBTQ benefits

What you are failing to acknowledge is that all 3 of those thing have already existed and were already in place. The only reason why they have to be re-done in the first place is because Donald Trump actively took them away.

And there's already a system in place to deal with cops slaughtering us in the streets with impunity. The problem is that the system is flawed and skewed. Fixing that system is nothing something that is even possible for a single POTUS to do with the stroke of his pen. He can't. Fixing that system requires participation from multiple other government entities including The Justice Department, The Senate, and the State level.

So you're real problem is that you are upset that "other" groups issues are easier to resolve than ours. So if that's the case why do you continue to attack Joe Biden for that? I just showed you why all of these things aren't the same yet you continue to look at every single issue as a straight line issue that requires no participation beyond Joe Biden signing a piece of paper.

You need to stop acting like all of the things you want for Black people can be resolved by the stroke of a President's pen. They can't.
This is the problem with people attacking every single issue that gets resolved or attention that's a non specific Black issue.

Do you have any idea how things actually get done in our government?

How much time and effort goes into the simplest shit like making sure a fucking warning label is on your kids lunch?

Do you know how hard people fight to make sure we fucking recycle?

What makes you think all of Black people's troubles are sitting right there just waiting for a President, and President to just sign his fucking name and put a stamp on it?

Understand how things work. learn how to navigate through our Democracy. Learn the ins and outs. Nobody is telling you to give up or just say fuck trying to get anything done and charge it to the game. I'm telling you that it is paramount that you understand how our government functions or else you'll continue to look like a rookie playing against an expert.

The reason why "The System" keeps clowning and styling on niggas is because a lot of niggas refuse to try and understand how the very system that they are going up against works.

If you're still bitching that immigrants and LGBTQ are getting things done swiftly and you're wondering why you don't see a wave of Black issues getting resolved, well then where the fuck have you been and what system have you been paying attention to?
Short of reparations there isn't a single thing that a POTUS can do that directly effects Black people and only Black people so you need to broaden your education on how our government works.

There's already and infrastructure in place that can give 11M dreamers citizenship

There's already an infrastructure in place that can give 500K Indian immigrants citizenship

There's already an infrastructure in place that gives LGBTQ benefits

What you are failing to acknowledge is that all 3 of those thing have already existed and were already in place. The only reason why they have to be re-done in the first place is because Donald Trump actively took them away.

And there's already a system in place to deal with cops slaughtering us in the streets with impunity. The problem is that the system is flawed and skewed. Fixing that system is nothing something that is even possible for a single POTUS to do with the stroke of his pen. He can't. Fixing that system requires participation from multiple other government entities including The Justice Department, The Senate, and the State level.

So you're real problem is that you are upset that "other" groups issues are easier to resolve than ours. So if that's the case why do you continue to attack Joe Biden for that? I just showed you why all of these things aren't the same yet you continue to look at every single issue as a straight line issue that requires no participation beyond Joe Biden signing a piece of paper.

You need to stop acting like all of the things you want for Black people can be resolved by the stroke of a President's pen. They can't.
I get where you're going but group wise in particulare he is doing something for latinos he is doing something for the LGBT community and he is doing something for Asians in particular Indians now it's not asking too much to specifically do something for black folks especially in regards to better policing and a way to foster stronger investment within urban areas.

I think or would hope most are just thinking that he pushes the house and the senate and the Justice system and use his influence with businesses to do us a solid
I get where you're going but group wise in particulare he is doing something for latinos he is doing something for the LGBT community and he is doing something for Asians in particular Indians now it's not asking too much to specifically do something for black folks especially in regards to better policing and a way to foster stronger investment within urban areas.

I think or would hope most are just thinking that he pushes the house and the senate and the Justice system and use his influence with businesses to do us a solid

Latinos and LGBT are black folks too.

You wanna know what he doing for Straight Black Americans.
I get where you're going but group wise in particulare he is doing something for latinos he is doing something for the LGBT community and he is doing something for Asians in particular Indians now it's not asking too much to specifically do something for black folks especially in regards to better policing and a way to foster stronger investment within urban areas.

I think or would hope most are just thinking that he pushes the house and the senate and the Justice system and use his influence with businesses to do us a solid

He (Joe Biden) is not doing anything for Latinos, LGBTQ, Asians, or Native Americans. All of those things that you see have already been done and implemented.

Re-establishing and restoring a system or act that was already in place is an action but it is not an action based in creating a new effort. The effort already existed.

And look at the two thing you pointed out as specifics to Black people. Better policing and a way to foster stronger investment within urban areas is not specific to Black people. We are not the only people who will benefit from that. Doesn't matter if we're the majority who will benefit from it, it's not specific to us.

The only thing that is specific to Black people is reparations. Everything else benefits other groups as much as it benefits us.

And your point about Joe Biden pushing The House, Senate, and Justice Department is exactly the point I was making about it not being possible for Joe Biden to do a single one of those things for Black people by himself alone. It requires a major effort but niggas don't wanna hear that. They wanna kick and scream about specifics without even listening to their own arguments.
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What happens if your Gay and a FBA?

What if you are bi-racial?

Do any of those people count as being Black or are we gonna keep segregating ourselves in the name of "Tangibles"?
We still hustle 'til the sun come up
Crack a 40 when the sun go down
It's a cold winter
Y'all niggaz better bundle up
And I bet it be a hotter summer, grab a onion
Yes the ROC gets down, you hot now, listen up
Don't you know cops' whole purpose is to lock us down?
And throw away the key
But without this drug shit your kids ain't got no way to eat, huh?
We still try to keep Mom...smilin'...
Cuz when the teeth stop showin' and the stomach start growlin'
Then the heat start flowin'
If you from the hood I know you feel me ([Jay-Z:] Keep goin'...)
If a sneak start leanin' and the heat stop workin'
Then my heat start workin' I'm-a rob me a person
Catch a nigga sleepin' while he out in the open...and I'm-a get him ([Jay-Z:] Keep flowin'...)
We gotta raise our kids while we livin'
Make a million off-a record bail my niggaz outta prison
Fuck a Bentley or a Lexus just my boys in the squadder
Nigga talk reckless then I hit 'em with the Smif 'n...
But I'm never snitchin' I'm a rider
If my kids hungry snatch the dishes out ya kitchen
I'll be wylin' til they pick me outta line-up...
We keep the nines tucked, chopped dimes up, rap about it
Wyle out, fuck niggaz up, laugh about it
I'm not tryin' to visit the morgue but Freeway move out 'til I sit with the Lord
'Til I...get my shit together, clean up my sins
Freeway got it in like 10 in the mornin'
And I can get it to ya like 10 while you yawnin' mang...
Still deliver the order mang!
And I ain't talkin' bout chicken and gravy mang!
I'm talkin' bout bricks 'o ye-yo, halves and quarters
4 and a halves of hash you do the math
Swing past us scoop up your daughter
She wanna roll wit' a thug that rap, you do the math
He won't blast 'til my stacks in order mang!
Better policing is not specific to Black people. That's a societal change that benefits the whole commonwealth.

But "Tangibles"................
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