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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Nah don't try and move the goal post. I said he should be judged on his past record, just as anybody else. Especially if its some funny style shit they've never tried to make right or at the very least admitted was wrong

His policies haven't wavered much from his original stances. It's just ppl either don't know that or want to ignore it. I literally just mention one of his policies regarding police that have and will continue to get black ppl killed without repercussion.

I have ppl who are voting for biden because they are worried about healthcare and social security. Yet they have no idea biden has voted to cut medicare/medicaid and social security every chance he got.

So if biden wins (which I think he will) he may or may not do those things, but since noone can predict the future, the best indicator we have to go on is a persons past actions and compare them to the current ones to see if there's enough change in direction.

Well the mfer is clearly NOT being judged on what he did 30-40 years ago, but what he has done 10-12 years.

And you super duper wokey woke, conscious militant hoteps going to have to suck that that shit up.

All we can do now in the present is see if he stays true to he said he has and will do.Hold him and his administration accountable. And if not we vote his ass out. Simple
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