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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Ppl don't care, they're more interested in sticking it to each other and lording the win over their "enemies"

And then you gotta add in that on top of all that you got smart dumb niggas like race jones like...

"I told you so... we won!!!"

So what we get?

Who would've been a better candidate than Joe Biden for Democrats tonight?
Anybody should've absolutely destroyed Trump tonight but If I'm gonna pick Maybe the one who actually was winning with Latinos and Young People (who Democrats are desperately blew it right now with their terrible outreach).

I don't get what she's so happy about when she's in the same predicament that everyone in the thread is in

It's because she's young and half informed. She really thinks she's getting her shit off when in reality most of us are like "oh that's cute... look at this kid go. one day she'll learn how the world works".
Who would've been a better candidate than Joe Biden for Democrats tonight?
Elizabeth Warren..julian castro etc a multitude but again the dems white power structure couple with their paternalism,lack of voting interest in 18-44 demo, good enough for Obama good enough for me crowd the democrats do not have the will tomake offensive moves
Anybody should've absolutely destroyed Trump tonight but If I'm gonna pick Maybe the one who actually was winning with Latinos and Young People (who Democrats are desperately blew it right now with their terrible outreach).

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Bernie Sanders would've gotten washed tonight by Trump. Trump would've washed Bernie in the rust belt and in the south. Bernie couldn't even win Primaries in the south and he was gonna beat Trump?

Bernie couldn't beat Hillary in the rust belt and Biden is out performing her there. And he was gonna beat Trump? No way.
Elizabeth Warren..julian castro etc a multitude but again the dems white power structure couple with their paternalism,lack of voting interest in 18-44 demo, good enough for Obama good enough for me crowd the democrats do not have the will tomake offensive moves


Elizabeth Warren is getting her ass handed to her on a platter by Trump in the General Election. Castro wouldn't win a single state above the Mason Dixon Line in a race against Trump.
CNN said trump bout to speak.

Trump bout to declare himself the winner. Demand all additional counting be stopped and if antifa, rioters and agitators cause in problems he will send in the military to dominate the city streets.
smh foh. He claimed a biden landslide, and biden mighta been declared the winner on Tuesday nite.

If Republicans wouldn't have blocked counting mail votes early in WIS and PA and Trump not spent the last couple months destroying the USPS with DeJoy Joe Biden would've been declared the winner tonight?

How do you think we got here? Were you not paying attention when Trump and Republicans were attacking The Post Office and mail in voting for months? This is exactly what they wanted to see so that they could doubt and contest it.
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