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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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In all seriousness, the DNC doesn't have anybody to blame but themselves.

If they'd stop putting these horrible tickets together they'd have a better chance of winning the White House.

Any combination of Clinton and Sanders would've easily won in 2016.

Biden and Sanders would've easily won this year.

Yet, for some reason, they think they can put any kind of ticket together and expect people to support it.

D'Angelo from The Wire clip.gif
In all seriousness, the DNC doesn't have anybody to blame but themselves.

If they'd stop putting these horrible tickets together they'd have a better chance of winning the White House.

Any combination of Clinton and Sanders would've easily won in 2016.

Biden and Sanders would've easily won this year.

Yet, for some reason, they think they can put any kind of ticket together and expect people to support them.

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My dude, Trump ran on a "Fuck them radical left socialists" ticket, in what world does Sanders help in beating him?
Bernie Sanders would've gotten washed tonight by Trump. Trump would've washed Bernie in the rust belt and in the south. Bernie couldn't even win Primaries in the south and he was gonna beat Trump?

Bernie couldn't beat Hillary in the rust belt and Biden is out performing her there. And he was gonna beat Trump? No way.
Are we seeing the same exit polls? Even Fox had voters overwhelmingly support Medicare for all and the green new deal, both of his main platform staples as a candidate. If Biden supported atleast one of those initiatives he definitely would’ve won major tonight

I also ain’t Don’t forget how you dodged my earlier question. You still haven’t named a past president who didn’t get washed in re-election with a trash economy AND poor approvals.
This is who America is. They didnt reject trumpism, they re affirmed it.

I mean... america has always been the bad guy if we're being honest. A racist, sexist, nazi sympathizing, slave trading, war-mongering piece of shit. The idea is that it's mutable. But these assholes aren't going down without a fight.
This is almost guaranteeing some type of violence if it turns out that Biden wins the election.

Trumps supporters are gonna swear it was rigged
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