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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Republicans: [gerrymander, pack courts with conservative judges, purge voter rolls, kill USPS to fuck up mail-in voting, intimidate voters, sabotage machines, shut down precincts and generally strategize over decades for ways to maintain power as they know their platforms would otherwise die out in terms of popularity]

Democrats: [kiss the asses of republicans, relentlessly harass marginalized folks/anyone politically left-of-center and scream "VOTE" every 5 milliseconds]

...good luck with that tomorrow tho. ??
I think you’ve painted the difference between the two sides pretty well here in terms of their stance on voters rights. One side wants to keep you from voting and the other encourages it.

So yes, go vote.
Too many black people are crying about voting looking for their ego to be stroked while the oppositions is literally lining up in caravans to keep their feet on our necks.

Niggas will scream and ask what Democrats are going to do when Democrats are literally running against Republicans and Trumps' ilk. Is it not clear as day that Democrats oppose all of the vile shit that we see everyday from this Administration?

It's frustrating as fuck talking politics with black folks because a lot of us don't understand strategy for shit. Niggas see politics as a zero sum game way too fucking much.

Trump has miles long caravans with F150's and AR's all riding for him and niggas are still asking about what voting for Democrats who oppose that will do for them. It's like niggas need White Supremacist to literally bust down their doors and stick a long gun in their faces to get the picture.

There are only two sides here.

White Supremacy or Opposing White Supremacy. There's no fucking in between and niggas need to stop searching for one. Niggas look stupid and are embarrassing themselves trying to find middle ground in a fight where one side is composed of White Supremacy.
One side???

Both sides are composed of white supremacy duh. Wtf

All that white rage. This is what "white supremacy" looks like.

For those in the cheap seats...there's no such thing as white supremacy. These Neanderthal, cave dwelling low lives just so happened to pull off the greatest lie/mind-fuck the world has ever seen and most people fell for it...including them.
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