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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I have noticed you giving some credence to these biden stories. I haven't said anything but i gotta ask. Are you giving any validity to the hunter/email/laptop story? Or are u jus sayin you will "listen" to anything?
I think there is credence in corruption allegations. The lap top shit DOES sound ridiculous, but what if we are shooting the messenger while ignoring the message. Let's say it is a russian campaign, but the emails are real. Do we ignore it bc it's russia? Or do we still face the truth in it (if any)?

I'll admit hunter bein on the board at burisma is some swampy foul shit. Yes he was using his name to get a easy check. Like Clay Davis said "i'll take any motherfuckers money if he giving it away." Thats politics. Hunter aint the 1st n surely wont be the last. Its not right, but technically its not "illegal"
You're right it's not illegal. Or we just don't know enough. But where there's smoke theres fire. There is more to his alleged corruption than Burisma though.

But if u say ur jus down to "listen". imo thats the same as trump retweeting seal team 6/bin laden conspiracies. There is no respectable line, no established baseline facts.
I was quick to dismiss the lap top shit myself. The handling of it by Dems, Bidens and media made me think twice. If nothing comes of it fine. But if investigation states the emails are real why would I ignore that? I'm not taking trump's word for it...I'm curious to see what DOJ or FBI says.

But come tf on. The story came from rudy Giuliani. Jus that alone should tell you its 100% bullshit. Let alone the timing.
I won't have a prob admitting if I'm wrong
Lmao bruh what? So if today they found an Epstein lap top with emails and pictures corroborating accusations made against him and every media outlet united as one to say "nah we're not touching this one" u wouldn't think twice?

Since when have we taken this stance that anything that is leaked to the public should not be discussed until confirmed? And since when did we give social media the authority on what we should be allowed to discuss?

That has been proven to have happened. It HAS NOT been proven on this story. At least not yet. UNTIL THEN it should not be treated as foreign disinformation campaign.

Am I missing something or u keep confusing Beau with Hunter?

I keep bringing up Hunter bc it sounds like some corrupt shit from the son of the guy running for president lol. Allegedly Joe's brother is somewhat involved as well. Yet somehow Joe knows nothing. Is there a good reason to ignore it (lap top story aside)?

People been blowing off alleged Hunter corruption before this lap top shit. People blowing off the 'email scandal' is not what's shocking me. It's the coincidental unification between the media to all take the same stance at the same time to do the same thing.

That shit is eerie af

Yeah my fault, I to say Hunter this whole time.

I keep bringing up Hunter because a lot of the smoke against Joe has its origins with Hunter. The Republican senate investigated and didn’t have much to add on it.

Do you think if there was something bigger there it would’ve been made a big deal?

Social media has been takIng aggressive stance against disinformation since it came out in 2016 that they were the medium for disinformation to get disseminated.

So yes, I expect them to not just allow Bullshit to get amplified In the weeks before November 3rd on both sides if it is possible for them to hold it back until more info comes out or confirmed.
Yeah my fault, I to say Hunter this whole time.

I keep bringing up Hunter because a lot of the smoke against Joe has its origins with Hunter. The Republican senate investigated and didn’t have much to add on it.

Do you think if there was something bigger there it would’ve been made a big deal?

Social media has been takIng aggressive stance against disinformation since it came out in 2016 that they were the medium for disinformation to get disseminated.

So yes, I expect them to not just allow Bullshit to get amplified In the weeks before November 3rd on both sides if it is possible for them to hold it back until more info comes out or confirmed.
I think regardless what news comes out will always be emphatically dismissed by the loyalists on both sides.

We all know these politicians are corrupt as hell and "it's par for the course" so I have no prob doubting everything they say and defaulting on not believing any of em.
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