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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Lmao how does this answer the question I asked?

What is y’all plan of action besides tweeting and sitting at home?

i guess you got me confused with you.

we already know who does more in the community and who sits at home watching the chi and walking their dog

pls. play with someone else
Donald Trump has been a Democrat majority of his adult life , he has donated to both Joe Biden,Kamala Harris and a New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Ivanka Trump donated to and had banquet fundraiser of $41,000 to Cory Booker for his senate race

thus proving their all in bed together babe

yall are caught up in the political theater of it all
Gotcha, they could force a third party... but then the libertarians would need to step up to force a solidly strong 4th party

Yah I agree I wish there were more viable parties for us to choose from.

Republicans have veered super hard to the right.
Democrats are foolishly trying to appeal to EVERYONE and are so middle of the road they cant manage to get anything truly progressive done.

If there were more viable parties and candidates for people to choose from I think more shit would actually get done as opposed to either one party strong-arming the other, or this perpetual stalemate between the two where nothing really gets done but they still get paid...
Yah I agree I wish there were more viable parties for us to choose from.

Republicans have veered super hard to the right.
Democrats are foolishly trying to appeal to EVERYONE and are so middle of the road they cant manage to get anything truly progressive done.

If there were more viable parties and candidates for people to choose from I think more shit would actually get done as opposed to either one party strong-arming the other, or this perpetual stalemate between the two where nothing really gets done but they still get paid...

i wish there was a way to stop legitimizing this sys

what are you thoughts on this years election?
It's a bad situation all around, I'm really hoping an eventual election won't be about lesser of two evils...

I'm liking what Howie Hawkins is talking about, his VP Angela wants to come at things differently ground up and Jo Jergenson has some get up, the ol be responsible fiscally, smaller government, and hands off socially

The whole Kamela Harris situation is rough. As @shutupGabi said its a dope chess move and whites have been allowed numerous times to fuck things up, and so I won't knock her in the public's eye, especially around white folks, like us to always have public solidarity even if we not agreeing. I let it be known let her get a crack at it, can't be worse than ya fucks over the centuries.

Behind close doors I'm disappointed and if they win she has a lot to make up for even if the VP isn't a power position in the scheme of things outside the Senate and what-ifs scenarios. She should be down in the dirt as they say pushing for reforms and reaching out to Bernie and others of his thinking, but more importantly out to the black leaders... I'm hoping she's playing the game of do what you gotta do to get in and then fuck shit up unexpectedly for the good.

So with my conscience I'll probably be looking at the H'20 with Howie and Angela or Jo Jergenson
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