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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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The lesser of two evils is probably the biggest thing holding us back from getting our just due. Not only that, it's a fallacy because the dems ain't no less evil than the repubs. The just try to pretend they're better, their legislation and commitment proves otherwise

We really gotta get off this shit. They won't offer better until we demand it. Otherwise we will keep going down the lessor of road again and again.
I agree but who you going to vote for? Independent won't get anything passed sad to say and Green Party is laughed and not taken serious. The two party process is a joke and shouldn't be a thing but that's what we got
What's your point with all this? You remembered the posters name I didn't, big deal. Be more concerned about your presidential choice's memory.

Far as what @Los216 posted according to you, I went to the site and read it myself.

I already pointed out the fact that bidens plans mentioned nothing specifically for our issues yet his other agendas directly address those groups. There's no reason for me to screenshot and put together powerpoints on that shit. It's there in the link he posted so he should already know.

Tell me what's to debate there? It's either true or it isn't

You can try to avoid my initial point if you want but it is what it is. Accuse the poster that did what you claim. Idk who you're talking about it i wouldn't have asked. Let them refute your accusation. I mean, you couldn't have been just flinging out a made up allegation, could you?
I got no reason to be slick bruh.

If u engaged anyone on their non voting stance or made general comments about non voters it applies to u lol.

How u feel about that is up to u In the grand scheme it doesn't matter.

*Convo farther devolves*

Your spin moves are amazing, my guy. I asked a simple question with a simple and obvious answer. The answer doesn't fit your agenda so you'll say everything but the simple truth in this matter. It is what it is.

Have a good Friday.
Your spin moves are amazing, my guy. I asked a simple question with a simple and obvious answer. The answer doesn't fit your agenda so you'll say everything but the simple truth in this matter. It is what it is.

Have a good Friday.
It's clear as day fam. I can say the same about y'all. ?

U do the same sir.
Let's get back to the topic at hand

Looking at what's been posted, is there anything you vote dem or die cats have that proves what's been posted to show how unworthy biden/harris are of our vote is false?

Or is the lesser of two evils all you got?

Nobody is discussing harris' disgusting track record in CA as DA and AG
Nobody is discussing her blatantly telling us she won't do anything specific for us
Nobody is discussing her lab scandal
Nobody is discussing her pro police stance, her corruption

Nobody talking about joe's bigotry, his ties to staunch racists, his own racists comments, his lack of competence, his lies, his pedo like behavior, his arrogance, his lock em up stance

Man yall have a good one, I'm bout to get my weekend started
It's clear as day fam. I can say the same about y'all. ?

U do the same sir.

There you go with the y'all again. Have a problem addressing one person? Nobody else has commented on our posts. This isn't a team sport like you seem to think.
I plan on voting and have voted on my local politics. I was recently in touch with my state rep to discuss what he was doing about police brutality. He showed me a copy of the George Floyd bill before it was passed.

I pressed my local police commissioner at a community forum about his plan to hold the pd accountable including officers who standby and don't do shit. Called up the mayors office demanding justice for the amazon driver that was arrested for parking on the wrong side of the street.

I'm out here holding politicians accountable. Are you?

but yall can keep the lessor of two evils approach

Who do you vote for locally? Democrats or Republicans?

Also did you vote in the Primaries?
I don't remember which poster it was, that posted the link to biden's so called agenda for black america, but I urge everyone to go to bidens campaign site and review his agendas

You will notice his so called lift every voice agenda for our community has nothing tangible to us specifically. Hell even the title lift ever voice is some lowkey slick shit cuz the dems are always using the raising tide politics with us.

Then look at the agendas for the other groups. They all have specific language that directs funds and legislation to THEM.

That's good enough for yall huh?

Again, somebody tell me when they have heard politicians flat out refuse to do anything specifically for any other group as they do us. Maybe decades ago before social media and cancel culture, but in recent years, every group been stepping in and getting their share but us

That was me. I posted the link and I even added the bullet points in here.

So can you pull up the so called non tangible things that you found in there? I want to see specifically what you are talking about. Please don't be shy.
Nobody is discussing harris' disgusting track record in CA as DA and AG

Plenty of post in here have discussed just that. Why don't you point out what is so disgusting about it to you for us?

Also you know what nobody in here is discussing? Mike Pence track record. How come nobody is discussing his track record? After all he is her opponent right? The choice is between Biden/Harris and Trump/Pence so let's compare Kamala Harris to Mike Pence since that is what the decision is gonna be.

Nobody is discussing her blatantly telling us she won't do anything specific for us

Well that's because she never blatantly said this. We can't have a discussion for something that was never said by the person you are accusing. Can you explain what you mean by specific for us?

Nobody is discussing her lab scandal

Why don't you help those of us out who don't know about this supposed lab scandal? Please share this story as it seems like most of the posters here are unaware of it. Why don't you guide that discussion?

Nobody is discussing her pro police stance, her corruption

What is her pro police stance? What corruption? Again if you bring it forward we can discuss it. Why are you questioning why we aren't discussing something without citing and sourcing what it is? How are we supposed to have a discussion on things you are spelling out as here say?

Nobody talking about joe's bigotry, his ties to staunch racists, his own racists comments, his lack of competence, his lies, his pedo like behavior, his arrogance, his lock em up stance

There has been plenty of discussion about all of these things regarding Joe Biden. Even way back before the primaries we were in here debating and discussing all of these things. What exactly are you looking for?
Can somebody please explain to me what are these tangible things that people continue to get hung up on? What are these tangibles that seem to be missing?
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