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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Bernie’s comments were substantively fine.
But politically damaging

it doesn’t matter if he was right, he should have been more sensitive. People lived through that shit
Until I actually go back n check the context I agree it's insensitive at worst

Akin to him saying "3rd world countries accomplish a and b why can't we??"


“We like our old white Presidential candidates to have architected and presided over the crime bill that ravaged our communities and wrongfully imprisoned thousands of our black men , threatened to massively cut social security and Medicare, supported segregation and anti-bussing polices, compromised and conceded our progressive agenda to Republicans for decades, represented a stale agenda and corrupt past that will depress voter turnout in the general; never won a single primary in a single state in the entirety of his three presidential campaigns, given is the worst chance to beat Donald Trump in the genera election”

We are South Carolina!

“We like our old white Presidential candidates to have architected and presided over the crime bill that ravaged our communities and wrongfully imprisoned thousands of our black men , threatened to massively cut social security and Medicare, supported segregation and anti-bussing polices, compromised and conceded our progressive agenda to Republicans for decades, represented a stale agenda and corrupt past that will depress voter turnout in the general; never won a single primary in a single state in the entirety of his three presidential campaigns, given is the worst chance to beat Donald Trump in the genera election”

We are South Carolina!
Can't be mad at em, that's how they feel smh
So how would u feel if a candidate said

"Look slavery was bad but..."


"Jim crow was bad but..."

Then listed a 'positive'. Is it equivalent?

Forget a candidate shit like this is literally said everyday from senators, to police officers, teachers, judges and so on. It's why the Confederate flag still flies high to this day.

Reminds me of when they tried to get Farrakhan to admonish a genocidal regime in Africa like America doesn't have blood on it's hands.

This country loves acting like it's a beacon of light compared to the rest of the world but nobody really wants to have that conversation, we just point fingers at everyone else.

I understand both sides, don't think he should've said it though especially when there are individuals who have escaped persecution and know first-hand how horrible it was. Last thing they're thinking about is literacy.

It came off as insensitive in a way, Fidel Castro doesn't need to be humanized.
there was this cat on cnn name Johnnie Cordero who supports Tom Steyer and they tried to hit him on his candidates support for private prisons..

he came back and said Joe Biden wrote authored and championed that shit.. therefore leading way for private prisons to be profitable.. Thats something that should be said on stage but i remember when super predator was brought up.... never heard the end of it.. hmmmm
Any of y’all ready to admit the corporate media and political Establsihment are biased against Bernie Sanders.

Or do they treat him fairly just as if he was Joe Biden or any other moderate?

We’re all just over reacting right?

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