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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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The new York times hates him and I just listened to a podcast where they were saying he's incredibly dangerous people shouldn't vote lmao
Whenever someone comes along and wants to take money from the rich to give to the poor, the whole establishment (who are brought and paid by the top 1%) turn against that person.

Thankfully, Bernie has high favorability, unlike Corbyn. So a lot of their attacks are not sticking so far. Hopefully these mfers continue to fail.
What about Bernie VS Trump?

Let’s take a look

Trump won in 2016 by razor thin margins, less than 80,000 votes across three swing states.

- Pennsylvania

- Wisconsin

- Michigan

Where Hilary didn’t campaign at all.

Where Hilary didn’t campaign at all.
Bernie has an extensive and aggressive grass roots operation that would campaign in all of those places relentlessly.

As of now, Bernie beats every democratic candidate in EACH of these three states.

As of now, Bernie beats every democratic candidate in EACH of these three states.


- Bernie 25%

- Biden 20%


- Bernie 30%

- Biden 13%


- Bernie 25%

- Biden 16%

What about head to head?

Sanders beats Trump in each of these states by MORE than any other candidate. Most other candidates lose in a head to head with Trump.
  • Pennsylvania - 47% to 45%
  • Wisconsin - 46% to 44%
  • Michigan - 48% to 41%

Does that look like a tighter race than you would like? I would agree.

And It looks worse with every other candidate.

You know what the insurance policy is?

Electing a candidate that ENERGIZES the Democratic Base and wins over Independents.

That candidate is Bernard Sanders.

That candidate is Bernard Sanders.
Energizing the base means more than just insurance for those swing states.

It means turning red states blue by exciting and activating voters that have been under represented in the past.

You don’t do that by telling people we can’t do anything for them. You do it with a populist message.

Trump dominated all of the following states in 2016

But in 2020, they are all in play - if we pick the right candidate.

Sanders is leading against Trump in

- FL (29)

- TX (38)

- NC (15)

- SC (9)

- OK (7)

- MO (10)

- OH (18)

- ID (4)

Sanders is down 1 pt to Trump in
- GA (16)

- GA (16)
That’s an additional 146 Electoral votes in play.

He is leading or tied in all of those states BEFORE he is able to leverage the momentum of crushing everyone else in the primaries and putting the millions of volunteers in his organization to work in each of those states.

Compare that to a stale, status quo politician with a stale status quo message that Trump can smear with corruption, racist policies and unpopular positions throughout their career.
Be honest. Ask yourself who will INSPIRE more people to vote.

We tried a corporate status quo politician in 2016.

This time that status quo politician can barely place 4th in a Primary.

The myths about Bernie are just that.

Look at our recent political history. The candidate with the most energy and the best message wins the Presidency.

- Obama
- Trump
- Bernie

A moderate candidate would suppress the democratic vote.
That’s what happened in 2016.

Meh, the moderates are splitting the votes. Bloomberg, biden, klobuchar, and mayor pete are still bunched up together. Even if you give most of warrens support to bernie (and some of petes young vote) the moderate candidates still probably outperform progressives overall.

As far as swing state numbers, most have the two most high profile names Sanders/Biden vs. Trump running pretty even.

Bernie was impressive in nevada, ill give him that. He looks strong if some of these moderates wont drop out.
Steyer doubled down by saying again he's the only one on the debate stage in support of reparations for black folks...

funnily enough the moderators didn't allow anyone to respond to that statement and they quickly asked another question lol
No exuse for that man to admire Cuba or Nicaragua with the Sandinistas. My fam left Nica because of that shit. People are still dying to this day in Nica
So....how's everyone feel about Bernie comments about Cuba??

Do u care or think it's blown out of proportion?

I think its blown out of proportion. If you actually listen to what he's saying it's not unreasonable...

It's like yeah ok maybe this guy was a piece of shit but they got this or this right... most nuance is lost in politics tho so it's not a good look for Bernie to make the stand on this hill
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