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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Hillary wasn't a better candidate than Biden, that's why Obama picked him over Hillary given all that Hillary had going for her. Hillary when she ran against Trump didn't even campaign in key states, she thought she had it in the bag. She had the popular vote by 2% difference but because she didn't campaign in Michigan and Florida which she lost by a hair and ironically those states would have gotten her the delegate lead to defeat Trump. BOTH governors publicly stated they were appalled by her lack of effort.

Joe Biden is a good politician in the traditional sense of what it takes to win and get things done. Trump is not invincible man, and I think people are so pessimistic about the election because their candidate didn't make it or past experiences that nobody thinks Trump will be stopped. Biden being vice president is a huge advantage especially where delegates are concerned. Winning delegates is what it'll take to win the election and beat Trump.
what the fuck.
Trump beat Hillary like this. Basically brought her to his level and said dont bother voting because they're the "same" and Americans actually listened SMMFH. He will try the same with Biden and try to find some scandal to embroil him in to entice people not to vote.

You are arguing against yourself fam ...

Your last post talked about how Biden is such a better candidate than HRC and is favored against Trump ... despite the fact that he can’t even remember if he is running for President or for Senator, who his wife is, what state he’s in, which day Super Tuesday is, or the most important phrase in the Declaration of Indepence.

Then in the very next post you have the epiphany that Trump may “find some scandal to embroil Biden in” (In other news - I wonder what that whole Impeachment thing was about)

And how that is how Trump beat Hilary

But you somehow seem to forget about

-A criminal probe being filed by Joe Biden’s rape accuser

- Hunter Biden / Joe Biden being CURRENTLY Congressionally invested for corruption; $600,000 /yr Ukraine employment

- Hunter Biden / Joe Biden being CURRENTLY Congressionally invested for corruption; $1 Billion deal with China

- Joe Biden’s mental decline and inability to talk without a teleprompter

- The recent DNC corruption / election interference / election incompetence

Oh but those aren’t as scandalous as ... “emails”

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But bruh Biden is definitely a better candidate than Bernie Sanders tho and proved it. Bernie blew a 3-0 lead via bad campaigning and fighting for Joe Rogan's "glorious" endorsement he fought so hard to get. But niggas was saying he could beat Trump despite his chances looking way worse than Biden's.

I know you're mad your man Bernie didn't win it but I still think Biden will beat Trump. But the back and forth is a waste of time as none of us ultimately know what will happen or who will win. For now it's just my opinion.

All I can do is pray for yall because if Trump gets that second term yall are gonna be even more fucked and he's going to act the fuck out and continue rolling back civil rights laws, environmental laws and further deregulation on top of not giving a fuck about the coronavirus and the Americans who lost their lives. All I can do is pray for yall man and be grateful I don't live in America or New York City.
He didnt prove shit he was the default pick the only thing he did was connect emotionally and appeal to the recent. Nostalgia of the last presidency he literally has no vision for the future.. bernie is not agreat politician ran a shitty canpaign made zero adjustments specifically engaging race... Biden played to peoples common instincts good enough for Obama good enough for me..

We had old dog vs one trick ponie their are far better messengers for a progressives future than Bernie

As said many of times i dont care how renowned how many accolades , how esteemes ingenious or influential a white is they are always running at a deficit because they everything through a prism of eurocentricity
Yall said

When Bernie failed, it was because of Bernies failure to convince Black Americans of this competency in caring about what they care about.

We are saying

When Biden is failing its because of Bidens failure to convince people that didnt vote for Biden in primaries, of his competency in caring about what they care about.



That convincing folks dont matter no mo..?

A couple of tweets from a joe biden Twitter and promises is how he got yall...why would that same strategy work for people who didnt vote for him

Lile yall said Bernies strategy never shifted to people that didnt vote for him. But we, are supposed to just not give a fuck about points yall made yourselves, when it comes to gaining votes?

Despite his history of fighting for things that are beneficial for black people, Bernie had to earn the black vote. But biden doesnt have to earn votes?
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Yall said

When Bernie failed, it was because of Bernies failure to convince Black Americans of this competency in caring about what they care about.

We are saying

When Biden is failing its because of Bidens failure to convince people that didnt vote for Biden in primaries, of his competency in caring about what they care about.


View attachment 264286

That convincing folks dont matter no mo..?

A couple of tweets from a joe biden Twitter and promises is how he got yall...why would that same strategy work for people who didnt vote for him

Lile yall said Bernies strategy never shifted to people that didnt vote for him. But we, are supposed to just not give a fuck about points yall made yourselves, when it comes to gaining votes?

Despite his history of fighting for things that are beneficial for black people, Bernie had to earn the black vote. But biden doesnt have to earn votes?
It because Biden embraced the language and optics.. regardless of what he is.. unfortunately that shit works... Bernie ran from it unfortunately nothing matters but the feel Biden Appeals to the feel
Yall said

When Bernie failed, it was because of Bernies failure to convince Black Americans of this competency in caring about what they care about.

We are saying

When Biden is failing its because of Bidens failure to convince people that didnt vote for Biden in primaries, of his competency in caring about what they care about.


View attachment 264286

That convincing folks dont matter no mo..?

A couple of tweets from a joe biden Twitter and promises is how he got yall...why would that same strategy work for people who didnt vote for him

Lile yall said Bernies strategy never shifted to people that didnt vote for him. But we, are supposed to just not give a fuck about points yall made yourselves, when it comes to gaining votes?

Despite his history of fighting for things that are beneficial for black people, Bernie had to earn the black vote. But biden doesnt have to earn votes?

Bruh the same ppl that said "Bernie need to appeal to black voters thats why he aint win"

Are the same ppl saying "biden dont need to appeal to us anymore hes the nominee deal with it"
The Bitter Bernie Bros in here are hilarious.... :hahaha:
Its more than emotions linked to pride and disappointment, it's more than being bitter. It didnt even have to have been Bernie.

If you have a party that stands on being proactively progressive, socially aware when it comes to minorities, and living the ideals. The mans name could have been Dickwash Johnson, had he lived the life that Bernie lived, which is the quintessential prototype of a democrat.

Then the democratic establishment should be behind a person like that, if those ideal were actually true. Our grandparents and our parents rode on the trust that, those ideals were true.

Now you have a point in history where never before, the "other side" even at the expense of their own voters, are trying to widen the income gate and securities of average working American and the rich.

Here come Dickwash Johnson living that life. And that party that said it stood on those ideals, said nah..take this guy that's been the opposite of that until a black candidate that needed a white guy that white guys like. Choose him as his Vice..and just trust even though that hes never demonstrated in the past..he got ya back.

Yall think it's a game, yall think its feelings, yall think it's some internet shit, yall think niggaz gives a fuck about trump.

I'd lose to an enemy before I'd ride with someone I cant trust. Aside from his history of being adverse to the progression of black people..the man is not Cognitively there..yall just gone ignore that?
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