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that time beans had cthagod shook

Lol @ being scared of this guy

From everything I've ever heard about Nelly he wasnt no super gangster but he also wasnt to somebody you could just punk. He's not as soft as people think his music makes him out to be
Nelly never had the rep of a soft nigga and this is from someone that's never in his life listened to a nelly album
I mean the mans first single is the happiest drive by shooting in rap history...but because he did it to a melody people thought he was soft.
I paid no attention to him when he first came out even tho that song was everywhere.
One day I actually took in his lyrics nigga singing merrily bout streetsweepers lol I was like gat damn this nigga was clearing the block to mother goose
Dirty was ahead of his time

Still wouldn't listen to him tho