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You don't feel like a creep coming into all of these mass shooting threads to defend guns? Serious question.

And please look thru this entire thread before you made your statement and tell me the post I made “defending” guns.

I’ll wait.
We need answers what should be done to help prevent these. Starting to become less and less solutions it seems eventually will just need to hit a reset button. Except there is no reset button the next thing we have in store for us is the power-off switch.
who are the people you speak of, my man?

State Congress people? The ones who are actually in charge of making law? Or are you referring to Congress federally? This kinda goes back to what you said about banning lobbying. And im sure that has nothing to do with “having toys”.

Or you talking about people who have no dog in the fight who never made the rules to begin with?

Sidenote, most pro-2a people don’t consider firearms “toys”. They take firearms seriously. Why are you simplifying firearms into “toys”? What good does that do for your point when you see the lengths responsible gun owners go thru to obtain, train and maintain their firearms?
These people applies to anyone who resists further restrictions on gun access. Those congress members represent the people in their districts and the gun lobby.

And they are toys once you’ve exceeded a certain number of guns and ammo. First off, most don’t need an AR-15 for general home or personal protection. Secondly, most don’t need 5 guns of all different types when they only have 2 hands. And most don’t need a 50-round drum.

And for those that do, they in a whole other situation that requires different solutions.
These people applies to anyone who resists further restrictions on gun access. Those congress members represent the people in their districts and the gun lobby.

And they are toys once you’ve exceeded a certain number of guns and ammo. First off, most don’t need an AR-15 for general home or personal protection. Secondly, most don’t need 5 guns of all different types when they only have 2 hands. And most don’t need a 50-round drum.

And for those that do, they in a whole other situation that requires different solutions.
They are not toys and I'm honestly not sure how you can even say that unless you just don't know anything about firearms
They are not toys and I'm honestly not sure how you can even say that unless you just don't know anything about firearms
I know about firearms. I own one. But people treat them as toys, period. There’s a certain point where ownership turns from utility to sport.
Saying period doesn't make it so. If you owned a firearm then you'd know that there are strict rules that are taught when handling a firearm and treating it like a toy is one of the first things they teach you not to do

Just because they're not supposed to be treated like toys don't mean that everyone who has a gun adheres to that rule. If nobody treated guns like toys then "accidental shootings" wouldn't happen under circumstances where a firearm was being mishandled.

This response does expose another issue with the gun debate and that's people who are responsible with guns underestimate the number of people who aren't.
Just because they're not supposed to be treated like toys don't mean that everyone who has a gun adheres to that rule. If nobody treated guns like toys then "accidental shootings" wouldn't happen under circumstances where a firearm was being mishandled.

This response does expose another issue with the gun debate and that's people who are responsible with guns underestimate the number of people who aren't.
Most accidental shootings happen because a person isn't handling the firearm properly

One thing I've learned recently is there are people on here who own a firearm and don't know much about them but want gun control
Most accidental shootings happen because a person isn't handling the firearm properly

One thing I've learned recently is there are people on here who own a firearm and don't know much about them but want gun control
Most accidental shootings happen because a person isn't handling the firearm properly

One thing I've learned recently is there are people on here who own a firearm and don't know much about them but want gun control
If they don’t know about firearms but have one wouldn’t the logic be that maybe more needs to be done to avoid that
Most accidental shootings happen because a person isn't handling the firearm properly

One thing I've learned recently is there are people on here who own a firearm and don't know much about them but want gun control
They aren't a toy to you. To you. To you.

But we live in a world where people get fucking slaughtered at the mall, at church, at school by people that view guns as toys to them.

These are the stupidest arguments. It's not about responsible gun owners. It's about this country having a mass shooting problem. And one of the primary factors contributing to that problem is that people can easily obtain firearms without training, without knowledge, without merit. We need to fix that. You got yourself worked up by his word choices and are engaging in something that does not matter to the larger problem.
So you admit then that some people don't handle them properly and treat them like toys...
If they don’t know about firearms but have one wouldn’t the logic be that maybe more needs to be done to avoid that
Yes but that's not about limiting access so the ones that do have the knowledge suffer. That's about informing the people who don't know

I think what needs to be looked at is why people are doing this and prevent it. There are millions who aren't shooting people

We had fully automatic firearms before and people weren't going out shooting people at this rate

Look into parenting, what the lockdown did to peoples mental state, depression, the news making these shooters infamous. I'm a believer that a big reason is so they can become infamous and known decades later. People don't remember the victims but they remember the shooters