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Breaking News Texas Mall Shooting multiple fatalities

America is in absolute chaos everyday.

If the cops not trying to slaughter black folks, then it's a nutcase reeking havoc at mall or store. America just gone continue to deal with the same shit until the shit hits home to one of these sorry ass Republicans that refuse to come to table and help create new gun laws.
America is in absolute chaos everyday.

If the cops not trying to slaughter black folks, then it's a nutcase wreaking havoc at mall or store. America just gone continue to deal with the same shit until the shit hits home to one of these sorry ass Republicans that refuse to come to table and help create new gun laws.
One Republican being impacted randomly won’t do a damn thing

They will retreat to their faith as consolation and it will be business as usual

This is the country we live in, at this point just try to lightweight prepare for mass shooters like we do for tornados
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So what do you propose “they” do, good brother Cain?
There's nothing that can be done that this point. A state like Texas is completely open carry and conceal carry with no permit. Nothing can be done about that now.

The government pushed a pen and have made it clear that don't care whom has a gun in their hands. I own all types rifles, shotguns and pistols. If anything I'm pro gun but I'm more pro-people than anything. More of these shootings are going to happen more innocent people are about to die there's no stopping it now. The country is fucked going forward no way around it. Stay safe tho
Ok so I feel like again this is gonna be blamed on mental issues what y’all think can be done for mental health
Jesus. That didn't need to be tweeted out

Or maybe it did and the news needs to show the brutality of these
TYT made a good point once about showing the dead bodies, especially of kids, to turn the tide. Same as they did with the Vietnam war, same that they do with cigarette smoking.

Until the reality is shown nothing is going to change. It’s easy to disassociate with faceless names, much harder with images of dead children and adults.
TYT made a good point once about showing the dead bodies, especially of kids, to turn the tide. Same as they did with the Vietnam war, same that they do with cigarette smoking.

Until the reality is shown nothing is going to change. It’s easy to disassociate with faceless names, much harder with images of dead children and adults.
Makes sense if the shit was only visible to adults
Ok so I feel like again this is gonna be blamed on mental issues what y’all think can be done for mental health
What they don’t understand is mental health is intangible. You can’t see it and therefore it is extremely difficult to “control”.

Guns are tangible and access is fairly easy to control. People just don’t want to do it because then they can’t have their toys.
You don't feel like a creep coming into all of these mass shooting threads to defend guns? Serious question.

If that’s what you think I’m doing, then you are completely missing the point of what I’m saying, Good Brother SneakDza.
What they don’t understand is mental health is intangible. You can’t see it and therefore it is extremely difficult to “control”.

Guns are tangible and access is fairly easy to control. People just don’t want to do it because then they can’t have their toys.

who are the people you speak of, my man?

State Congress people? The ones who are actually in charge of making law? Or are you referring to Congress federally? This kinda goes back to what you said about banning lobbying. And im sure that has nothing to do with “having toys”.

Or you talking about people who have no dog in the fight who never made the rules to begin with?

Sidenote, most pro-2a people don’t consider firearms “toys”. They take firearms seriously. Why are you simplifying firearms into “toys”? What good does that do for your point when you see the lengths responsible gun owners go thru to obtain, train and maintain their firearms?
Ok so I feel like again this is gonna be blamed on mental issues what y’all think can be done for mental health

The shooter is dead. Unless he left behind a manifesto or something, we'll never know what was going through his head leading up to so it'll be kinda hard to point to mental health.

I mean... Clearly someone that shoots up a spot like this was batshit insane, but we'll never know if it was a slow descent into madness, some form of indoctrination, or he caught his woman cheating and snapped.