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Just watched it... I ain't got a fucking clue what just happened. No one ask me to spoil anything because I understood none of it. Great Entertaining film though.
This nigga ain't lying. I got questions to clarify some shit. Only thing for certain is Denzel son runs funny as hell and if they replace black panther then he has the look
Hopefully mulan makes big bucks and films start gettin that divital release.

That way we fet it right away on gang
Felt like it was complicated for the sake of being complicated. At least with Inception you could grasp the concept of a dream within a dream and how each iteration of a dream slows down time by a factor of 10 or hundred or whatever it was.

This past and present at the same time but backwards shit made it too complicated to enjoy. And Nolan overdid the score cause at times the music overpowered the dialogue and I couldn’t understand what people were saying.

Now that I’m typing this I get it a little more. Basically when they were inverted it’s like traveling into the past but you do it in real time instead of instantly through a wormhole or something. So to get 10 hours into the past, you went into that machine, and when you come out you have to experience time going reverse to 10 hours before.

I still don’t get why the Russian was so integral and why his wife was so important and who was feeding him info from the future and all that shit.