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Talk about it Tuesday: She/He is cool but..

I think his point was not watching any news or anything will lead to not knowing much. I mean you don't gotta watch channel 10 but online is filled with news.
Situational awareness is important. Metaphorically digging ones head in the sand entirely at already heavily censored (compared to most of the world) news indicates the potential for issues a bit deeper than might seem at the surface.

Ignorance of things in general for Sanities sake would be a turn off for me too. Ole girl prob wouldn't have even gotten that much time from me seeing as though I want to know whats happening the world over regardless, some degree of the same thirst is needed for me.

Nothing unreasonable about that one at all
hell nah. I aint tryna shit or get shitted on in my sex life.

Look,, I ain't the type nigga to take a chick to like a classy ass black dress type spot....

Imma take you somewhere where the food banging, the beer good, and the crowd live....

That's me, that's how I am...

If a chick turn her nose up to that type shit.... Ion Care how bad she is.... It ain't gonna work out
that's differing tastes (n possibly bein a snob) tho. a lil bigger than her picking a wack place one time.

I'll recap.

Du dumped a chick because she ain't watch the news. Du dumped a chick cause she ain't like the pizza place he took her too.

Cain dumped a chick cause she was a yes woman.

Somebody dumped somebody because they snore like a pig and another because the laugh was ugly.

Women can't pop up on a nigga unless your name is Rihanna or Nia Long. Anybody else gets the boot.

The end.
popping up on someone repeatedly, when they've told you they need you to stop, is disrespectful. disrespectful people most definitely get the boot.

dumping someone for being a yes person is a good idea too. if they blindly go along with u to avoid dissent, do they stand for anything? what are their views, r they based on whomever they're tryna please at the time?

the others r just preference shit. not dumb shit. n breaking up is the wrong word cuz it sounds like all the shit mentioned happened during the very early stages.

Just saw this:

I don't watch the news and I know about that movement.

Next argument.
not keeping up with the news is perfectly fine as long as u don't dare develop stances on things you're ignorant about.

i hate that shit.
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That was a recap for IronMan. I didn't say everyone's reason was dumb. I said some were dumb.

It could be a preference but what's dumb to me may not be dumb to you.

To stop talking to someone because of a laugh or because she snores is dumb to ME.

I guess no longer talking to someone who was ashy is a preference to when he could just hand her ass some lotion.

Also the news thing, don't understand the "feelings" but it was a true statement. You don't have to watch the news to know about the BLM movement. That wasn't a good argument.
That was a recap for IronMan. I didn't say everyone's reason was dumb. I said some were dumb.

It could be a preference but what's dumb to me may not be dumb to you.

To stop talking to someone because of a laugh or because she snores is dumb to ME.

I guess no longer talking to someone who was ashy is a preference to when he could just hand her ass some lotion.

Also the news thing, don't understand the "feelings" but it was a true statement. You don't have to watch the news to know about the BLM movement. That wasn't a good argument.
fair enough.

the feelings was for my disagreement with the implication that not keeping up with the news wldn't keep sum1 ignorant to some degree. u can know a group or movement exists but not know much about their activities or the actions of the leading figures within it. not accessing the news gets in the way of having an in depth knowledge of the world around u. that's my belief.

did u specifically mean u don't watch the news, or that u literally don't read the news, u don't skim the news, u don't listen to the breaking news on the radio? how do u find out about things? other people who do follow the news telling u? or social media?
I don't tune into the news. I know about things through the internet, social media to be exact. If someone post it, I might or might not read it. A lot of reason I know about stuff is because of "Kandy, did you hear about..." and if I didn't I'd go look it up and then talk about it.

I feel like that's why Du's reason wasn't a good reason but seeing that it was ten years ago, changes it. Now days everything is at your fingertips, so if you don't know about it, you can really quick.
I don't tune into the news. I know about things through the internet, social media to be exact. If someone post it, I might or might not read it. A lot of reason I know about stuff is because of "Kandy, did you hear about..." and if I didn't I'd go look it up and then talk about it.

I feel like that's why Du's reason wasn't a good reason but seeing that it was ten years ago, changes it. Now days everything is at your fingertips, so if you don't know about it, you can really quick.
The problem with "Kandy, did you hear about..." is that you don't know the source. You could be fed anything from something highly biased and taken out of context, to straight up fake news.

Someone told me the other day, "remember that time the police photoshopped a dead woman's mugshot to look like she was still alive?" and I was horrified, because that is some shit that I can actually see them doing. I googled and thanks to 5 seconds of crossreferencing, it turned out to be a hoax.

Social media counts as a way to keep up with the news. Half of twitter is either summarizing or discussing current events. So while you might not read it, most of the discussions wldn't exist if no one did.

Du's reason was a very good one though because it speaks to willful ignorance.

In order to not tune into the news, u have to literally be relying on other people to do the legwork for you.

Which is alright, that's your life, just keep in mind that:
a. you won't know the source and even official publications don't fact-check things sometimes, so u cld be fed and end up perpetuating BS yourself
b. you become like the anti-vaxxers who rely on herd immunity. they depend on other people doing what they don't wanna.

So if you form stances on current events, particularly things that require information, you're a lot more likely to be operating on ignorance.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I'm not the type to really speak on things I don't know about. If I really want to know, I'll research it from many sources. Then speak on it.
That was a recap for IronMan. I didn't say everyone's reason was dumb. I said some were dumb.

It could be a preference but what's dumb to me may not be dumb to you.

To stop talking to someone because of a laugh or because she snores is dumb to ME.

I guess no longer talking to someone who was ashy is a preference to when he could just hand her ass some lotion.

Also the news thing, don't understand the "feelings" but it was a true statement. You don't have to watch the news to know about the BLM movement. That wasn't a good argument.
Mine wasn't dumb ma'am
naw that shit was mad valid....

yall have no idea how crazy that shit was...

like some major shit would be going down in the country or city,,,

and i'd be like yo you hear about bla bla bla....and she just had a dumb look....every time....

shorty was smart as fuck, just gave no fucks about being informed....

and it became more than a minor annoyance....

i'm sure she changed afterwards..especially with smart phones.. and she's probably a better person for it too....

i bet you after that shit she realized going forward how important it is to know what's going on in the world.....

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