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Students who owe lunch money will only get a cold jelly sandwich, district says

Lunch shouldn't be free at all. Send your child with lunch from home or money to pay for the lunch the school provides. If you're low or no income, there's free lunch programs for your child; enroll in it. There's really no excuse for a child going without lunch other than the child having a shitty parent.

I think the article said that most kids parents didn’t even fill out the paperwork for the free or reduced lunch.
I think the article said that most kids parents didn’t even fill out the paperwork for the free or reduced lunch.

Teaching the kids some valuable lessons if you ask me.

Pay what you owe.
If you don't pay, you don't get.
Nobody has to give you shit... Ever.
You're not so special that you deserve freebies, child or not.
Shit that parents do or don't do can greatly affect their children; remember that when you become parents yourselves.

Damn right

She stopped making lunches I was like what you eating and she tell me nothing, just, then her friends give her some of theres. I got that voice recording from the school saying she owe 280 something and I went off. Off off.....
she puttin shit on credit already.....

in the lunch room talkin bout....."put it on my tab"


good luck homie...this is just the first of many
Bread, noddles and sandwich meat is cheap as fuck.

A pack of noddles is 20 cents. You can get a month supply for 5 dollars

Bread is 98 cents and a child can bring a sandwich to school for two weeks off 1 loaf of bread

If you cant afford to feed your child. To be real, you shouldn’t have custody.

Lunch should be free though
oh shit......

but bruh....that would make too much sense.

alot of mothers aint giving up the kid even if they cant feed them,.
shit, alot of dudes dont want custody cuz that fucks up their own freedom.

only reason i give @Chi Snow lil punk ass respect.....he stands tall with his all female tribe.
nigga be neck deep in toilet paper and panties.

alot of dudes would pass on what hes doing everyday.