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Student pepper sprays teacher for taking her phone

Yo..... I don't see how we disagree. I said calling security would be my last step. We basically would do the same thing since you said you'll have students removed from the class.🤷🏽‍♂️ All that other stuff is just a follow up.

The disagreement is how quickly youre resorting to calling security. So no we not doing the same thing. You said its basically your 2nd step. Mine actually would be if the student wants to embarass themselves with their behavoir then I'd actually let them up to a certain point. Because for most, especially teenagers, the last thing they wanna be is embarrassed.
The disagreement is how quickly youre resorting to calling security. So no we not doing the same thing. You said its basically your 2nd step. Mine actually would be if the student wants to embarass themselves with their behavoir then I'd actually let them up to a certain point. Because for most, especially teenagers, the last thing they wanna be is embarrassed.
🙄👍🏽 sure your semantic arguement is lame and a waste of time🤨

Carry on😐
A phone is everything to these kids. He took it away because he had to, the first student whooped up on him for doing it, this broad hit him with pepper spray.

He ain't the problem, it's the kids addiction to these goddamned phones.

I'd love to see a return to phones that don't do shit but call, maybe text, and the occasional picture.

I kinda had this issue with my teenage nephew Monday. Only difference is it was a computer game that he was playing online with his friends. It's one thing, playing the game but being all in it is the problem. He was sitting too close to the screen, focused on it and talking loud like he was in a got damn arcade. Dawg, I had to cuss him out for doing all of that. I told him that it's possible to enjoy a game without talking loud and being extremely invested into it