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Student pepper sprays teacher for taking her phone


Do y'all think this is a chicken egg thing?

Like were we already trending towards this direction with technology and the times


are phones more prevalent in schools cause kids can now contact parents in the event of a school shooting?

While you hope it never happens, you want your kids to be able to reach you in the event some shit pop off?

The problem with the last part is...parents aren't just using phones to call kids during emergencies. If it was for that alone nobody would have an issue because phones wouldn't be out during normal class time. And if a parent needs to reach the school or their child for something then they can do what parents did for decades before that and call the school office.

Do y'all think this is a chicken egg thing?

Like were we already trending towards this direction with technology and the times


are phones more prevalent in schools cause kids can now contact parents in the event of a school shooting?

While you hope it never happens, you want your kids to be able to reach you in the event some shit pop off?
Technology and times

We had phones in school too
Maybe if teachers weren’t talking shit in the process of taking cell phones, they wouldn’t be getting their asses kicked

How Are you gonna talk shit while taking somebody’s phone

Plus, he was wrestling with one kid to get his phone
Like I said...it's a good thing you're not a teacher
Put yourself in the same scenario with a different person. What would you do? What if the person was taller and bigger and more ruthless. What about if the teacher is a small little old white lady?. You think she gonna have time to wrestle with a crazy student?
Like I said...it's a good thing you're not a teacher

Put yourself in the same scenario with a different person. What would you do? What if the person was taller and bigger and more ruthless. What about if the teacher is a small little old white lady?. You think she gonna have time to wrestle with a crazy student?


I'm curious. I told you what I would do which to me is logical.

So what would you do?
So yall really think yall can handle shit like that movie "The Substitute" eh?😏

Aight bet.

What they say nowadays?
"Fuck around and find out?"

Just dont cry and complain on the sensational headlines saying the most generic shit when shit really pop off.

No. People just don't think it's unreasonable for students to follow the rules of the classroom without it turning into a physical altercation.


I'm curious. I told you what I would do which to me is logical.

So what would you do?

If it's me and the student is blatantly breaking a rule then I'm following whatever protocol I have set up. Now if that student continues to not handle themselves then they'll be removed from the class and as the adult I will talk to their parent/s about the situation. But my goto won't be an automatic "call security". That really solves nothing.
If it's me and the student is blatantly breaking a rule then I'm following whatever protocol I have set up. Now if that student continues to not handle themselves then they'll be removed from the class and as the adult I will talk to their parent/s about the situation. But my goto won't be an automatic "call security". That really solves nothing.

Yo..... I don't see how we disagree. I said calling security would be my last step. We basically would do the same thing since you said you'll have students removed from the class.🤷🏽‍♂️ All that other stuff is just a follow up.
I didn't have phones in class brah

I ain't as old as koncept but I'm not as young as you are
I'll be 34 tomorrow. We had phones in school lol
