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Student pepper sprays teacher for taking her phone

Is pepper spray not illegal in schools where you live?

Why does she have that at school?
Honestly didn't even think of that. No clue if it wasn't allowed in school now or even back when I was school. I'll assume it's not allowed

My mind instantly went to it's good she has it on her for protection but spraying teachers isn't good when it's over a phone
Alot of parents can't keep their kids off their phones, or even themselves, so im not shocked to have seen some people agreeing with the student in the reactions online. My aunt is a teacher and I've got a few friends who teach between middle and high school and you'd be shocked at how often parents have to be told "texting and calling your kid during class isn't allowed." These parents need to be rangled in just as bad as these kids
Future man here…Within the next couple years Boston Dynamics is going to lease a dozen of their robots to some school district to cover the loss of teachers. It’s gonna be a hybrid remote role for a teaching official to monitor students via cam and work through the lesson plan. With a few of the Robots working off A.I for AP classes or classes that aren’t the normal Gen Pop.

With advance camera in these robots, much like the facial and object recognition cameras at your Walmart or in your city. They’ll be able to minority report discipline these kids. Schools will become automated, outside of Administrative staff and resources officers.
You don't have the right to touch people stuff.
If there's a problem, call security to escort her out the class. Simple

Most schools have a no cell phones in class policy that's agreed to by parents and students. And let's not pretend like teachers haven't long confiscated things from students in classrooms. This isn't new. It's just that because people are so connected to their phones it becomes personal
That's fine and all. But they still don't have the right to touch people stuff. Let security handle it.
I'm not gonna waste my time with the student. Get the fuck out. That's it. I'm not touching nobody.

That's not really a feasible solution to call security every single time. And it's also on the parents to make sure their kids know not to pull their phones out during classes too. Then there's the fact that once parents and students agree that phones shouldn't be out during class...then yeah it does become the right of that teacher to take said phone if that rule is violated.
That's not really a feasible solution to call security every single time. And it's also on the parents to make sure their kids know not to pull their phones out during classes too. Then there's the fact that once parents and students agree that phones shouldn't be out during class...then yeah it does become the right of that teacher to take said phone if that rule is violated.

Did folks not grow up going to schools where the teacher would snatch your vidya game if you got caught playing in class?

My Epoch Man got taken straight outta my hands once and there wasn't shit I could do about it.
These teachers need to start fighting back and this is coming from a parent. Wish my sons would do some silly shit like this. Fuck you, you gonna embarrass me? Wait til we get home
That's not really a feasible solution to call security every single time. And it's also on the parents to make sure their kids know not to pull their phones out during classes too. Then there's the fact that once parents and students agree that phones shouldn't be out during class...then yeah it does become the right of that teacher to take said phone if that rule is violated.
All that creates is hostile confrontations that can lead to other shit. I would rather avoid that.

Luckily in this scenario it was a girl, a punk ass white boy, and just pepper spray😄

Nah mean?😏

Do y'all think this is a chicken egg thing?

Like were we already trending towards this direction with technology and the times


are phones more prevalent in schools cause kids can now contact parents in the event of a school shooting?

While you hope it never happens, you want your kids to be able to reach you in the event some shit pop off?