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Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People

Read the article from the other thread.

The comparison is a lazy, short sighted attempt to prove a point.

This article does more to push the divide and conquer element than to unite due to the opionated Privilege of a Straight Black man.

What this article points out that is ailing the community is not of our creation. However I see black men in every city striving to address the criticisms posted. I see black men that are protectors, providers, leaders, brothers,and forward thinkers. Black men that are encouraging their fellow Black man and Woman-gay or straight to do better.We see our woman as a partner, not a servant.

This portrayal will not get the same push because it's counterproductive to the Willie Lynch theory that is veiled in this article.

Again there are faults in our community born out of our shitty start in this country. Each time our community gets momentum, the Black Father is stripped away, and emasculated. Look at slavery, look at the Civil Rights movement,look at the Black Panther Movement,The Crack epedimec. Take away the protector, provider, the spine of a anything and it will weaken if not die.

I've yet to see a Straight Black Male version of the Klan pulling gay men out of their homes and lynching them, then throwing a party underneath their swinging body.

We do have more work to do as Black men, but comparing us to a group that has more control and power than we do as an entire people is a very short sighted opinion.
Finish the article

youre grasping for straws because you are bothered by the title.

read for clarity and understanding not for confirmation biases

I read it baby, and I understand the narrative very clearly.

"We’re the ones whose beatings and deaths at the hands of the police galvanize the community in a way that the beatings and sexual assaults and deaths that those same police inflict upon black women do not"

I'm done, shit aint nothing but a divide agenda nigga, Dude is a fuck nigga prop'd up by white liberals and coons

Self-deprecating ass nigga

Black men were on the front line for Sandra Bland and other black women that were attacked
So you just gonna repeat the joke

To be honest, homosexuals are more opressed than their straight counterparts amongst all races and genders.

Speaking in generalities, do straight black men opress homosexual black men? Sure.

But so do straight whites, hispanics, asians, middle easteners, indians etc.

Is it fucked up? Yes. But is it something that should be attached specifically to black men? Not at all. Thats just the media doing what the media is known to do.
To be honest, homosexuals are more opressed than their straight counterparts amongst all races and genders.

Speaking in generalities, do straight black men opress homosexual black men? Sure.

But so do straight whites, hispanics, asians, middle easteners, indians etc.

Is it fucked up? Yes. But is it something that should be attached specifically to black men? Not at all. Thats just the media doing what the media is known to do.
Same goes for women. This isnt a black man issue, this is just a man issue
Same goes for women. This isnt a black man issue, this is just a man issue

In all honesty its an issue with the human experience. Speaking in generalities because there are people who do not oppress at all, but in general a human being with more power always finds a way to oppress those with less power.

So, white men are at the top of the power structure and white women are right under them. Now when you look at white women, even though they are oppressed by white men, they still turn around and oppress those beneath them.

If you follow that pattern until you get to black men, you get to a point where even though black men are being oppressed by all the groups above them, they will still oppress those under them.

Now this doesnt mean this is right. Its still wrong. No one should oppress others and in theory you would expect oppressed people to not turn around and opress others but thats a different topic.

This article makes the case that this is abnormal behavior that is exhibited by black men and that further demonizes black men in the media. Thats why its a bullshit ass article.
hmmm Im noticing within our own black communities, calling out violence perpetrated by black boys and men is seen as an act of treason.

We’re not supposed to talk about it, especially not to nonblack “outsiders.” We’re supposed to keep these secrets “in house” and do less calling out and more coddling. Women like me unapologetically reject that demand and, as a consequence, catch hell from all sides for condemning black men for their lack of support given to black women.

thats why these circular conversations are becoming stale and tired because yall wish to push abuse under the rug, instead of confronting it in hopes of transforming communities.
hmmm Im noticing within our own black communities, calling out violence perpetrated by black boys and men is seen as an act of treason.

We’re not supposed to talk about it, especially not to nonblack “outsiders.” We’re supposed to keep these secrets “in house” and do less calling out and more coddling. Women like me unapologetically reject that demand and, as a consequence, catch hell from all sides for condemning black men for their lack of support given to black women.

thats why these circular conversations are becoming stale and tired because yall wish to push abuse under the rug, instead of confronting it in hopes of transforming communities.
Nobody is pushing anything under the rug. As stated before, these things go on in every community with Black People always being the poster child.

If there is a problem in house, the resolution resides in house. Going to the known prejudiced media only adds to the divide, and helps demonize your ppl overall. Again we are on the same rung of the totem pole.
hmmm Im noticing within our own black communities, calling out violence perpetrated by black boys and men is seen as an act of treason.

We’re not supposed to talk about it, especially not to nonblack “outsiders.” We’re supposed to keep these secrets “in house” and do less calling out and more coddling. Women like me unapologetically reject that demand and, as a consequence, catch hell from all sides for condemning black men for their lack of support given to black women.

thats why these circular conversations are becoming stale and tired because yall wish to push abuse under the rug, instead of confronting it in hopes of transforming communities.
I’ll be accountable for all the fuckery that black men do. Ray Ray beat his wife, John John raped his girlfriend, cool I’ll take the blame for them. I’m as accountable for their actions as they are. But I’ll only accept it if you agree to accept the fuckery from Shaniqua that sell her food stamps for weed and liquor while neglecting her kids and bringing different dudes in the house. You are accountable for that type of behavior. Do we have a deal?
how many times do I have to see yall rush to defend men like Floyd Mayweather, Chris Brown, Ray Rice, Bill Cosby, and R. Kelly just because maybe yall feel compelled to support the brothers who “made it”? I understand that we, as a people, have been treated so horribly for centuries that our impulse is to protect those of us who come under attack by “outsiders.” But what happens when the predators are our own men and they target our girls and women?

We know that men who abuse and sexually violate women are from all races and ethnicities. We know this isn’t specific to black men. However, we know that when the victims are black girls and women, empathy is minimal — from all people—-

And this is shown day in and day out.

All in all, Denying what he spoke about in this article in an effort to soothe your fragile egos does nothing for us.

Black women will continue to die and you weirdos will continue to debate about how since you never put your hand on a woman, domestic violence/intimate partner violence isnt a “big deal.”

continue to debate how theres an agenda spurned by mass media and white folks to take yall down lol

yall are truly abhorrent and down right ignorant.