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Stephen A Smith wanted Max Kellerman gone for years according to andrew marchand

I haven't watched yet, just came across the feed lol

omfg...Jesus christ bruh

I only watched the 1st part bout the weed.

But why is stephen a shouting?

They both making decent points but cuz max's point is more practical n bout 70% of the country would agree w max.

So stephen a feels threatened. So all he could do was yell n shout.

max even got his stupid ass w the jay walking point.

Even stephen had a point w zack was going to a new employer, jus signed a new deal n he was moving to cali (like he couldnt wait)

But his point become void cuz of all the shouting n yelling.

That rite there is why i never watch 1st take n stephen a is a ass clown
FT has been entertaining since then.

I mean Max wit Key and J.Will is the perfect for him. Plus he got his own show. So I doubt it's sour grapes on his end.
It is and should be cuz Stephen A Snitch campaigned to get him fired
Meh. I like how it is now tho. The people he has in there now is people I enjoy watching. Like Woody...Swagoo...Kimberly....Mike Irving...RC.
Fam that’s cool and all I think u the only person that watches that shit... hold on u record that stuff everyday?
To be honest, I never thought they had good chemistry. SAS was too obviously antagonistic towards Max. I don't know what he had against him, but for some reason he just seemed to have real animosity towards Max. SAS and Skip disagreed vehemently all the time, but its till seemed friendly. The debates between SAS and Max never came off as friendly.
I mean I like the show how it is now. You can tell the difference in attitude. Now I wanna know what's the ratings on Max's new show like? That would be telling.
To be honest, I never thought they had good chemistry. SAS was too obviously antagonistic towards Max. I don't know what he had against him, but for some reason he just seemed to have real animosity towards Max. SAS and Skip disagreed vehemently all the time, but its till seemed friendly. The debates between SAS and Max never came off as friendly.
Skip and SAS work cause Skip trolled in everything and SAS get to be shocked and start bantering about how ridiculous Skip’s take was.

Max on the other hand more calm and fact/logic based and SAS more emotion based so he look like the one that was doing all the yelling.

i think the position that SAS took on certain topics wasn’t doing him any good against Max. 2 examples is the whole Kapernick situation and anything on weed. Looking back Max was right on both and he never wavered. Couple that with the time T.O. pulled his black card when he said Max was more black than SAS. Max being more hiphop inclined made him more friendly to the black guest, even getting a shoutout from Raekwon cause he quoted his lyric.

I think there was a lil jealously on SAS part

I wonder if this is relevant to max being out. Maybe SAS felt his bosses would appreciate him getting rid of the opinionated liberal or sumn