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Spinoff: whats the grimiest thing you've done to your s/o or ex?

Some of y’all holding back
The person that it happened to passed, so it ain't in good taste for me to tell the whole story...

How bout...chick I was dealing wit, got sick with bronchitis, called me from her hospital bed, the bronchitis made her sound like a dude, so I ghosted her...maaaaaad years later I find out from a mutual..that I was her first love and it really hurt her...shes alive tho

It wasnt the choke out that she passed from
Somewhat similar to @Cain, there was a broad I was fuckin on the low from work. Not the greatest looking chick but she was a cool person. A bit too eager to try to be with me in a relationship which I had told her up front was a no-go 'cause I was focused on getting back into music, DJ'ing and shit like that. We had been fuckin around for about 2-3 months and kept it away from the office 'cause them niggas up there was nosy as fuck. So, one day we worked it out that she would scoop me up from work and go hang out down on U of M's campus at one of the arcades. I usually worked an extra hour of overtime on the phones every day and she worked a normal 8-5, so she told me she was gonna pick up her girl and swing by to get me.

I get off at 6pm and she pulls up and I hop in the back seat and stretch out a bit. She introduces her girl to me and she turned around... Her girl was fine as FUCK. Like Stacey Dash in her prime fine as fuck. My whole mindstate switched up; normally I'm more reserved and quiet, but I lit the fuck up like I had been drinking and had both of them broads rollin the entire time we were out. We all went back to my crib and had some drinks and kicked it and ole girl took her friend home then came back to fuck. Time goes by and I'm seeing the two of them a lot more and I get to know the friend and it turns out that the two of us have waaaay more in common. So one day we had been hanging out and drinking and we went back to my crib. Ole girl was drunk as shit and wandered into my bedroom. Me and the friend had never stopped talking so after about 20 minutes we were like "where'd she go???" and then we started hearing snoring. We laughed and continued talking. I figured it was time to drop it on her and I let her know that I was really feelin' her. She took it well, even told me that she was diggin me tough but she had a man AND I was already fuckin her girl so she felt weird about it all. We kept talking and shit and ole girl woke up. They stayed for a minute longer and left. That night my chick came back to my apt butt naked under a long coat with heels on to fuck.

So there's a tension between me and her friend now. We all got drunk a few times, my chick would pass out and me and her friend would sit off talking about one another, how we should stop fuckin around and just get together, etc. There was one time where she came into the kitchen to watch how I made my vodka collins so strong and we ended up kissing with my chick still in the living room watching South Park. Finally on Valentines day a bit over a year after I was introduced to her they fell through and I cooked dinner for the both of them. We ate, popped a few bottles of cheap champagne and sat off chillin. Once again my chick was drunk as fuck, went to the bathroom, then staggered into my bedroom and passed out while we were talking. When we heard her snoring again we laughed and started joking about it. That's when I made my move and planted a long ass kiss on her. We ended up fucking right there on my couch every which way possible. After we were done we laid there butt ass naked hugged up when the door to my bedroom opened and my chick staggered back to the bathroom. We hurried up and got our clothes on and sat on the couch like we were just watching tv. My chick came out and started kicking it with us and about 20 minutes later they left. My girl came back over, butt naked under her coat again with a red ribbon wrapped around her with "Happy Valentines Day" on it, a big ass Valentines day card, another bottle of champagne, and a Best Buy gift card with $250 on it.

Me and her friend never did anything ever again after that. We did try to orchestrate my girl to get with one of my boys so we could be free to get together but he fucked that up royally.
Y’all wasn’t shit in the 90s B
I told the one about the chick from the mental hospital. I tried my best not to be a overall dick to women. My thing more than anything was ghosting chicks after amping em up. I got bored but I disliked the confrontation of breaking up.
Me and ex...GRHS...got into a big argument during the week. That weekend, she asked me to come over so we can talk. I get there, sat on her bed, and she tells me she wanna spend the day together. Pretty much her way of making up. So of course now she wanna fucc...cool.

Afterwards...without uttering one word...I get up...wash off...put my clothes back on...then walked tf out. Then proceeded to go on my date wit my OTHER ex.
Ran over my ex's phone when he left it at my crib once.

Left that same ex far away from home in a smoke shop up north and made him figure out how to get home via public transportation.

Fought his BM

Sprayed his car with paint remover

Shit he did was worse... It was like we was tryna out crazy each other

... Damn I miss him... But I'll never go through that shit again with anyone
Ran over my ex's phone when he left it at my crib once.

Left that same ex far away from home in a smoke shop up north and made him figure out how to get home via public transportation.

Fought his BM

Sprayed his car with paint remover

Shit he did was worse... It was like we was tryna out crazy each other

... Damn I miss him... But I'll never go through that shit again with anyone
