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Spinoff thread from the Dr Umar interview.

I don't believe anyone is racist for advocating for the sustainment of their race or culture. Black or white, it's perfectly fine for people to say that they would prefer that people in their race date others in their race.

The problem comes when you try to force your view on others or mistreat others because of the choices they make. You can extol the benefits and the good of black love without treating people in interracial relationships like they are race traitors. That's the kinda shit that white supremacists do.
I don't see anything wrong with people wanting to date/marry people who look like them, thus ensuring their (potential) children look like them. I feel this is especially important for Black people to strengthen our bloodline(s)...we don't need our gene pool further diluted and tainted

Anything else is weird, IMO

Why is the onus ALWAYS on **us** to be so accepting of "others" in order to not be perceived as racist or bigoted? This a rhetorical question, btw.
It's still bigotry. The way you describe it may give it a prettier face but it's still hate in a way. It's kind of the reason this movement gets so much backlash. We can't allow hatred to be acceptable just because of skin color. Like at all.

This here. I'm Dominican and some dominicans be racist towards Haitians and even African americans, while complaining about white people being racists against them. Cant have it both ways. You either against racism or you not. Theres a million ways to spin it. But to say each race needs to stick w said race, is a racist way to look at things. Let people love who they wanna love.
I was just having this convo w a co-worker regarding Caitlyn Jenner and why I dont fuck w her running for office. She said "why cause she trans?" i said "no, bc she didnt have a problem w trump being a piece of shit until he didnt appease the LGBTQ community"
It's just a continuation of what whites put blacks through. If we were better we wouldn't be here honestly. It's not bad to be pro black and only wanna date other black people, but to look done on those that date others is wrong.

Black people are really starting to turn out like supremacists and it's scary.

yeah yeah yeah stop fucking on white women
I agree. Would you say Umar is a bigot?

Yes and no. I think Umar is more concerned about his people and could give a fuck less about what YT thinks about it. Some of his rhetoric can sound bigoted, but that comes with the territory.
Yes and no. I think Umar is more concerned about his people and could give a fuck less about what YT thinks about it. Some of his rhetoric can sound bigoted, but that comes with the territory.

I feel he give too much attention non black folks and issues that really don’t matter.

For what he’s trying to accomplish with his school going on for damn near 7 years he really need to have tunnel vision.
As the saying goes .....we can't have it both ways. Are we a godly people like Brother Farrakhan has said in multiple preachings or are we just following suit to what whitey showed us for 400yrs?
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing talked about genetic annihilation.

Every group has a vested interest in self preservation. As a Black man, you'renot doing any favors to Blacks or whites when you marry white women becauseyou slow down the birthrate of whites with your mixed babies and any money you have is more likely, statistically, leaving the black community for good.

Lose lose for every group and for what? "Love"? Jungle fever?

I feel he give too much attention non black folks and issues that really don’t matter.

For what he’s trying to accomplish with his school going on for damn near 7 years he really need to have tunnel vision.
How much time/attention do you think it takes to post a couple IG lives a week and answer a couple trendy questions in the middle of an interview?

He's spending the vast majority of his time crowd funding and maintaining public awareness of his school. What more do you want from him?
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing talked about genetic annihilation.

Every group has a vested interest in self preservation. As a Black man, you'renot doing any favors to Blacks or whites when you marry white women becauseyou slow down the birthrate of whites with your mixed babies and any money you have is more likely, statistically, leaving the black community for good.

Lose lose for every group and for what? "Love"? Jungle fever?
That part!👆
Thing is humans genetically ain’t that different. You kid don’t get defects cuz he mixed. Probably wouldn’t be a problem if our society wasn’t like how it is
I know a lot of people agree with Umar's take on being against black men shouldn't date outside of their race and that interracial dating is a bad thing.

Would this message be just as good if a white man was saying the exact thing? Suppose a white man was on the breakfast club and stated that interracial dating is destroying the Black family. Would that message go over as well as Umar's? Is Umar a black bigot?

Are we as a people cool with a form of bigotry if it's us that's being the "bigot"?

Let's talk about it

In this case with the belief that racism stems from genetic survival, I wouldn't call it bigotry.
It's a reasonable concern that your race could genetically be wiped out.
Making interracial mating, homosexuality, dysfunctional families, sexual confusion, and other non-reproductive behavior a threat to your population.

But the real problem with interracial dating is black people that lose their mind to sexual access to other races.
A black person should at least be able to date/marry a non-black and still "stay on code".
Just like other races already do.