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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites


Bolded sound a bit like this to me ...

It's demeaning to assume Black Africans don't have any large scale farming expertise...

This is coming from someone who's actually lived in the continent

What's up with these absurd comparisons you guys are making? Why can't you just discuss shit rationally instead of trying to unnecessarily demonize what I'm saying? Slavery and sharecropping are much closer to the old systems that were in place there than what I'm proposing. I'm talking about the Black Africans owning the land and the resources and produce. The whites would literally have no power over the land owned by the Black Africans and would only be providing mentoring services. How does that remind you of that pic?

And nowhere did I say that no Black African had any large scale farming expertise. Stop with these stupid straw men arguments. I'm saying that there isn't enough large scale farming expertise among the Native South Africans for them to just take over those farms and maintain the profitability that is there. Again, this is born out by reality. The Black African farmers who have obtained land in both Zimbabwe and South Africa have struggled for the most part and the economies of both countries have suffered. I'm acknowledging reality. Why is that demeaning? Do you guys think that kind of knowledge and expertise is just gained through osmosis? It's not. You have to learn. That means being taught. As I've said, I'm sure they could find some black people in the world that could come and help them, but that's not nearly as efficient as getting the people that have been specifically managing that land for generations. You dudes are letting your anti-white sentiment cloud your judgement. It's not even like what I'm proposing would have to last that long. It would a few years until the Black Africans got the hang of it, and then they'd cut ties.
So how about other African countries where there aren't any Whites? How do they feed themselves then?

That's like asking how the US prospers when other countries in the Americas are third-world. Africa is a continent full of very different countries. Just because something is working in Ghana or Nigeria doesn't mean that it will work in South Africa. Again, you silly niggas are hung up on Whites. The issue is not the Whites, it's the expertise that the Whites happen to have and many of the Black South Africans don't.

I had the pleasure (it definitely was a pleasure to spend around six months in Bukuru, Nigeria. Loved the remote part more than the Jos city part more but the whole experience was incredible. I visited as many countries as possible, never got too far East sad to say. But yes, Christianity and China heavily run things over there.
Great you visited Nigeria my home country and it is true China has a large market with their goods being peddled in large quantities

However we are a sufficient country who take pride in farming: both large and small scale...

Aliko Dangote the wealthiest African alive is into food production too with sugar which is cultivated from sugar cane a major export of his...
Yep... To me it sounds like you're propagating White supremacy and branding black S. Africans as unknowledgeable on how to produce food crops on a massive scale

Call it how you want

Where did I say whites were supreme? They controlled the country and the farms. They only let the black africans be laborers and didn't put them in a position where they could get the greater knowledge. I've said this several times. It's not about white people being better. It's about black people not being put in a position where they could win. The whites don't know more because they are intrinsically better. They know more because they stacked the deck against the blacks. I'm suggesting they make up for the unfair treatment by revealing the information they hid. Why is that so offensive to you guys?

Think about America. When slaves weren't allowed to read, would be propagating white supremacy to say that white people had to teach some black people how to read in order for literacy to be spread among blacks in America? It's the same thing.

But if I'm promoting white supremacy, then I guess reality is a white supremacist. Again, I'm not arguing off my feelings like you guys are. I'm pointing out the reality that Black Africans have both forcefully and peacefully taken land back from whites and in both cases they have been unable to maintain the profitability of the farms. So again, if I'm wrong, fine. But if I'm wrong, how do you all explain the 40% drop in production in Zimbabwe after the took the farmland by force or the mass failures of the farms after the government bought the farmland from whites and gave it to blacks in South Africa?
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This will likely blow up in their faces. The problem is that a lot of the blacks in that area don't know shit about running a farm. So they take the land from the whites and then the shit falls apart. This has actually been happening for a while. The smarter thing to do would have been to take some of the land from the whites, and in exchange for letting them keep some of it, making them bring blacks as farming apprenticeships so that they could learn how to conduct their own farming businesses.
they wouldnt keep it buck......

this is where other nations or blacks or africans can come in and help them out
The South African government must find a way to empower ordinary South Africans, but I am not sure if this is the way to go about that. All kinds of unforeseen negative consequences are possible. It is a risky move.
can we stop with saying white south africans....

fucking white people always dividing to be different.