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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

black peoples property.
Property and not people right? So let me ask you a question. Are people out there protesting property or are they protesting against people? And a system? You can’t go out there and just kill a bunch of cops. But you can do everything short of harming people which is what protestors are currently doing. Now if niggas wanna cry and complain that they’re destroying black businesses I can gladly flip it and ask niggas f they think the police give two fucks about black businesses? What does a black shoe store that can be replaced matter when we are protesting a police entity and a justice system?

Niggas spend too much time trying to craft the perfect protest with rules and regulations. Fuck all of that. Niggas should’ve stopped being rational a long time ago. We shouldn’t have to stop and make the business decision about property while we’re protesting human lives.
Property and not people right? So let me ask you a question. Are people out there protesting property or are they protesting against people? And a system? You can’t go out there and just kill a bunch of cops. But you can do everything short of harming people which is what protestors are currently doing. Now if niggas wanna cry and complain that they’re destroying black businesses I can gladly flip it and ask niggas f they think the police give two fucks about black businesses? What does a black shoe store that can be replaced matter when we are protesting a police entity and a justice system?

Niggas spend too much time trying to craft the perfect protest with rules and regulations. Fuck all of that. Niggas should’ve stopped being rational a long time ago. We shouldn’t have to stop and make the business decision about property while we’re protesting human lives.
aye bruh.....i understand looting....i dont agree with it but i understand it.
i understand setting shit on fire and destruction. dont agree but i understand.

black peoples business and property should never be targets....thats hurting black people indirectly.
its not about insurance and such and such......black people are mad...but...black people should not be hurt indirectly by other black people during this time. the people with money will need to be the ones to rebuild for us.
otherwise.....you will have to wait until another group comes in the build and they dont like you or me but want our money.

now...i get where you coming from....but you tear down a system ...you need resources once its down.

you build after war. the winner influences with building.

you are minimizing a bigger picture,

there is control in chaos and you need chaos for control.

and if you dont want to stop and just create a path of destruction? i get it and my solution.

do it in the white neighborhoods. these are the people who are running this system.
do it in the govt districts, financial districts.

hurting us is helping them
Maybe its me. But i dont know about yall. But all this feels different to me.

The sheer numbers and how its so wide spread across the country.

I dont remember the 1992 LA riots bein like this, this feels different

Yall agree?

Absolutely. A lot of white folks getting busy too.