Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
Spiderman meme
They won't. I'm there a few times year *dope jerk spot around the university* and its definitely a pro Trump and pro confederacy city. The minority pop is kept just happy enough to where they'll feel guilty for protesting cause it 'ain't happening to them'Honestly not too surprised by any of this. I moved from there to Austin, Texas late last year. While I never had issues when living in Wilmington, the place certainly wasn't a utopia of diversity and law enforcement was heavy in those small coastal towns and cities.
One of the things that makes me laugh so much is when some folks try and say Virginia and N.C. isn't the south. You definitely know they've never been to those states or only been to northern VA if they say something like that.
I wonder if the protesters are going to start removing all those Confederate monuments they have downtown in Wilmington? Lol.
They won't. I'm there a few times year *dope jerk spot around the university* and its definitely a pro Trump and pro confederacy city. The minority pop is kept just happy enough to where they'll feel guilty for protesting cause it 'ain't happening to them'
Huh? He put paws on da laws