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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

But the problem folks have wit his statement is

1...you're REALLY comparing the black community to white supremacists?? Think about the history of that

2...you wait til NOW to address this. Again...where was all that energy before George Floyd? That's right...you jumpin out of a box ecstatic that Beyonce sent you clothes from her new Addias line.

3...address the racist shyt going on in your community. That trans comedian that the Breakfast Club interviewed made a statement that stood out. He/she said a gay white man in power, is still a white man in power.

Of course alot of black folks got conservative views when it comes to the gay community. A large part of that is religious. But to use THIS moment to start pointing your finger directly at us...naw bruh.

Gay...hetero...bi...whateva. At the end of the day...he's STILL a black man. And THAT'S how they will always view him as. Smh

Billy Porter actually does and has been doing all of that shit for decades. I don't agree with the comparisons of black ppl to white supremacists and it misses the mark by a mile, but all the shit you're saying here is shit that man has literally spent his career doing and calling out white people for.

nah, dont bring us in this cuz of a couple reggae songs from over 20 years ago

You Jamaican?
Let’s give the police MORE money. You can’t make this up. He should’ve said we should punish these officers for their negligence. But let’s give them money to train them on how not to be racist.

Out of 20+ candidates, this is the mutha fucka that all those black people went to bat for. He's the one they chose...

He waits all this time to come out with a proposal, and it's the opposite of what everyone wants. I want people to tell me again how he's going to be so much better than Trump. Now we're going to go from 5 storm troopers causing chaos in the hood to 10. Thanks Joe.
Out of 20+ candidates, this is the mutha fucka that all those black people went to bat for. He's the one they chose...

He waits all this time to come out with a proposal, and it's the opposite of what everyone wants. I want people to tell me again how he's going to be so much better than Trump. Now we're going to go from 5 storm troopers causing chaos in the hood to 10. Thanks Joe.
Biden was one of the architects of the 94 crime bill so we know where he stands.
Biden was one of the architects of the 94 crime bill so we know where he stands.

Exactly, that should have disqualified him from consideration by blacks by itself. Mutha fucka ain't even apologize and say he was wrong for it. When they ask him, he stands by it even knowing what that bill has done to the black community. Fuck that dude.
Cliff notes
Anytime we think Biden does something goofy (most cases it is goofy), he comes out the woodwork like hes his father and scolds us smh. But I wont give you cliff imma just give you the quotes so you can draw your on opinion.

And, we must urgently address the abuse of power in police departments. I commend the leaders in the Democratic Party in Congress for proposing legislation that includes vital reforms: banning chokeholds, ensuring prosecutors in police-involved killings are independent, collecting data regarding police use of force and violations of use of force standards, and requiring training for officers regarding racial and religious bias and their duty to intervene if another officer is abusing his or her power.

Don't defund police, support reforms
If state and local governments fail to make necessary changes, the Department of Justice must have subpoena power for pattern or practice investigations into systemic misconduct by police departments and force these departments to reform.
While I do not believe federal dollars should go to police departments that are violating people’s rights or turning to violence as the first resort, I do not support defunding police. The better answer is to give police departments the resources they need to implement meaningful reforms, and to condition other federal dollars on completing those reforms.
I’ve long been a firm believer in the power of community policing—getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect. That’s why I’m proposing an additional $300 million to reinvigorate community policing in our country. Every single police department should have the money they need to institute real reforms like adopting a national use of force standard, buying body cameras, and recruiting more diverse police officers.

And, we need to prevent 911 calls in scenarios where police should not be our first responders. That means making serious investments in mental health services, drug treatment and prevention programs, and services for people experiencing homelessness. That may also mean having social service providers respond to calls with police officers.
Nothing about this fight will be easy. Institutions resist change. Racism has been a fixture in our society for hundreds of years. It will take leadership at the highest levels of our government — and sustained grassroots pressure from communities who will no longer stand by silently when injustices are inflicted on people of color. And, vitally, it will require all of us to examine our own conduct, our deeply ingrained habits, and our own thinking.
I’m ready to do that work, starting on day one. Nothing less is acceptable from an American president.

Just gave the typical politician talk. How you say you dont support money going to police departments that are violating peoples right, but then say you dont support defunding them and want to give them more money because theyre too underfunded to not kill people, smh.

The only thing he seems to have taken a hard stance on is getting Trump outa here. Everything else is some form of "we need to try and work together".
How many read Biden's OP-ed and not just the tweet?
It’s a months old plan but it could definitely be readjusted to the times and sentiment with people right now. Only good part of it is ending procedures to stop giving police departments military equipment.
Biden is trying to tow the line with that stance. More community policing doesn't address the problem overall... and neither will throwing more money at the police.

He says that he doesn't believe federal dollars should go to police departments that are violating peoples rights and are violent as fuck.... but he doesn't support defunding police and thinks they should be funded and provided resources to "implement meaningful reforms"

Window dressing at best and doesn't address the problems nearly as much as it should.

This Conduct is Abhorrent’: Brooklyn Court Officer Suspended After Posting Image of Obama Being Lynched

A Brooklyn court officer is learning this lesson the hard way after being suspended without pay over the weekend for posting an image of former President Barack Obama hanging from a noose on her Facebook page.

NBC 4 reports that the image that got Sergeant Terri Pinto Napolitano suspended for 30 days showed Obama being lynched along with a caption that reads, “we will not yield ... your day is coming traitor.” Alongside that image was an image of what appeared to be Hillary Clinton standing in front of a noose with a caption that reads, “it’s not over till the fat lady swings.”

According to one of Napolitano’s coworkers, who wishes to remain anonymous, this was only the most recent incident in a pattern of racist behavior. The fellow court officer told NBC 4 that Napolitano is a known racist who would commonly “harass minority defendants inside her courtroom when she was bored by yelling loudly at them for talking, disrupting court proceedings while speaking to Caucasian defendants in a completely different demeanor.”

The unnamed officer said that Napolitano should be fired for her latest infraction and called her a “disgrace to the many of us who respect the public and the integrity of our job and respect the criminal justice system and process.”

Chief Judge of the Courts Janet DiFiore is having none of Napolitano’s racist shenanigans either. In a formal letter, DiFiore called Napolitano’s behavior “abhorrent” and “sickening.”

“This conduct is abhorrent, by anyone, at any time, and under any circumstances,” she wrote. “But at this critical moment in our history—when our nation is reeling from the death of George Floyd and its aftermath—it is a sickening and unpardonable offense against every colleague in our court system as well as the vast and diverse public that we serve.”

Napolitano—who has deleted her Facebook page—has also been denounced by the court officer’s union and the court’s Inspector General says that further disciplinary action is being considered.
