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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols


I got a Story that'll fuck your Head up. It did a number on mines.

An Ex-Girlfriend of mines had a Son who wanted to join the Police Dept, always have. Dude was a str8-laced Kid; never did Drugs, never got into trouble or been to Jail, Prison, or YA. The perfect Son any Parent would be proud to have.

When he became of Age, he applied to his local Police Dept--they rejected him.


Because he was too clean. The Cop that interviewed him told him that if he had at least done something as a Teen, even if he never got caught, he might be considered for the Precinct.

These Muthafuckas know who they're hiring. They know they got Sociopaths, Junkies, Bullies, and Alcoholics working at their Precincts, they just don't care. Shit's almost looking like a pre-requisite to be "an Officer of the GOT-DAMN Law!"

*in Robin Harris voice *
Court OKs barring police with high IQs

This article is 20 years old

One of y’all was requesting this vid

watching my Facebook feed and came across this clip

white girl(selfie video): "somebody just got punched in the face for saying all lives matter after somebody said black lives matter"

me: so the fuck what they deserved it

White girl: (turns camera to another white girl cradled and slumped in the parking lot) AND ILL DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: AYO WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!

this is wtf i was talking about

This is the problem. The messaging is not consistent and I think a lot of people who are just parroting things and don't know what they are talking about are speaking on stuff they shouldn't. Check this vid as an example:

Defunding police departments sounds like a good idea, and if people actually understand what people meant by that, I think there would be more support. However, when you got a bunch of people running around browbeating people for not supporting the completely abolition of law enforcement, you're going to have a harder time getting widespread support.