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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

You have no idea how many times I've said this over the Years.

I remember having a Conversation with a Friend on this subject and how that's the go-to defense for these Cowards. I told her that if they're that damn scared, then find a new Career. They shouldn't be Cops, they should be Florists.


it’s logic to me. Most people don’t want to get hit in the face so they don’t become boxers. Thing is I think they just want to boss people around for like 20 years
Question for yall....in events of cops killing ppl and getting off, if it got reported by media as cop killing an unarmed person (leaving the race of the cop and possibly also the race of the victim out of it), do you think there would be more results and more ppl of all races outraged cuz it would be a cop vs citizens issue (like we been tryna tell em for fuckin ever) or should race be apart of it?

Cuz the way the media reports these issues is one of my biggest problems and why I feel little gets done.

I think if a cop kills ONE unarmed white man and gets off, it would make less noise than a cop killing an unarmed black person, or any minority.

Have cops kill 10 unarmed white men in lets say a 10 months period and get off, theyll burn this whole shit to the ground.

I dont think the issue here was just the murder of George Floyd. I think it was all the other murders of unarmed black people with cops getting off, plus Bernies movement of making a portion of the population feel genuinely disadvantaged and in turn feel solidarity for black people. I think all that shit bubbled over.

White people generally trust cops, so one horrific murder of a white person wont make them wild out, let there be a bunch though and have them feel hunted, and the protests would be much bigger than what weve seen.

I never rocked with Bernie Sanders the person, but at some point were gonna have to discuss the impact of his movement.

Not saying Bernie is totally responsible for this, cause Trump is just as responsible, but seeing so many young white people protest with BLM signs to me is a direct impact of Bernie. He made a huge portion of young white people feel like the system is against them, and once they realized how unfair the system is, they kind of understood.


He didnt just put words but he put his money behind them.

Might be the most disgusting shit ive seen so far.

What the fuck is donating money to training cops even mean btw? Thats where the fuck my tax dollars go. That shit makes no sense at all.

He didnt just put words but he put his money behind them.

Might be the most disgusting shit ive seen so far.

What the fuck is donating money to training cops even mean btw? Thats where the fuck my tax dollars go. That shit makes no sense at all.
His shit makes the least amount of sense