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Sober Sex vs Intoxicated Sex...Somebody define sexual assault!......comforter shopping...

Sir...whyyyy would you show me this??? I'm not supposed to be shopping in the first damn place!

Le siiigh. Can you give me the details on the third comforter? Is it a set? Who's the seller?

Lol same one I was looking at

Send me one when you find it
Sir...whyyyy would you show me this??? I'm not supposed to be shopping in the first damn place!

Le siiigh. Can you give me the details on the third comforter? Is it a set? Who's the seller?

Name is Grand Linen

it’s cheap but i know she got some blankets like this before and they do a good enough job

she tell me gotta get a lot of blankets because the kids always ducking them up. Do be catching them eating in our bed and wiping they lil Cheetos hand on our shit Lololololol 72F7A7BE-E547-4917-BFB1-D858F839A828.png
Name is Grand Linen

it’s cheap but i know she got some blankets like this before and they do a good enough job

she tell me gotta get a lot of blankets because the kids always ducking them up. Do be catching them eating in our bed and wiping they lil Cheetos hand on our shit Lololololol View attachment 535236

Can't front...thats nice. I like that.
Just in case y’all thought it was a game

8 this year and I didn’t even got all the way back to January 1st. Not even counting the AT HOME pillows and curtains she stay buying. We had to give some away.

“we need to change the curtains and pillows for the seasons”

And she be calling me a horder
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Well you said I was wrong for saying you advocate rape and I’m apologizing for what I said because in that situation, yes I was wrong. You don’t advocate rape.
Thanks for being patient witcha girl lol

That was a huge leap from your OP to rape...but if you think you have unfettered access, then the leap wasn't so huge. This has to be another case of semantics....definitely projection-gate but with extra?

Am I doing okay so far?

I am so👇right now
Go enjoy your high. Thread already went left, right, and diagonal