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So how much longer are we going to pretend...


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...that everytime a high quality male steps out on his woman, it's because of something wrong with him?

The Lemonade/444 rollout was great. Wade retired with 3 rings. Tiger will forever be remembered as the greatest golfer in history.

That's all well and cute, but will we in the social stratosphere ever ask the question "Did Beyonce lack in anyway whatsoever?" Or is that a level of honesty that undermines the dominant narrative of masculinity?
Tiger Woods was jugglin’ 6 or 7 goofy lookin’ side chicks at the same time, though.

He was wrong for that.
Wrong is wrong.

I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying that not every wrong just falls out of thin air.
Yes, Beyonce was lacking. She's one human being. It's hard for any single woman to compare with every other woman out there. In the end, a lot of dudes are only as faithful as their options. Celebrity dudes have a lot of options.
Fuck the options.

The options don't have anything to do with what leads up to it. Jay, and I'm only using him as an example, could have stepped outside whenever he wanted to from the day they first got in a relationship. But something happened somewhere that made him say "Well what's over there".

As long as we ever only take about how hurt the woman feels and how sorry the man is, we'll never discover the build up. Heaven forbid he NOT just be a sex crazed maniac or an idiot with a hard on.
What your definition of a "high quality male", Op? And does it involve a person's moral character?
A man who earns high, of high status, and genuinely/generally holds down his home and family. He's not a male whore, broke, or dislikeable person. He's a guy who can make a mistake without that mistake defining who is is at his core.
A man who earns high, of high status, and genuinely/generally holds down his home and family. He's not a male whore, broke, or dislikeable person. He's a guy who can make a mistake without that mistake defining who is is at his core.
How much weight do you think that applies to a relationship between Jay and Bey? She wasn't some random Norwegian like Tiger's wife. They are both titans in the music industry. If anything, that kind of relatively equal power dynamic was what made Jay dip.

At the end of the day It's hard for me to side with a person that cheats. I think all cheaters must hang, tbh. I don't care what Bey did or didn't do. They made an agreement to each other and Jay broke it. It's like when a woman cheats on a man because he's not as affectionate as he used to be. It's bullshit, you're unhappy? Leave, then do what you have to do.




How much weight do you think that applies to a relationship between Jay and Bey? She wasn't some random Norwegian like Tiger's wife. They are both titans in the music industry. If anything, that kind of relatively equal power dynamic was what made Jay dip.

At the end of the day It's hard for me to side with a person that cheats. I think all cheaters must hang, tbh. I don't care what Bey did or didn't do. They made an agreement to each other and Jay broke it. It's like when a woman cheats on a man because he's not as affectionate as he used to be. It's bullshit, you're unhappy? Leave, then do what you have to do.
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The options don't have anything to do with what leads up to it. Jay, and I'm only using him as an example, could have stepped outside whenever he wanted to from the day they first got in a relationship. But something happened somewhere that made him say "Well what's over there".

As long as we ever only take about how hurt the woman feels and how sorry the man is, we'll never discover the build up. Heaven forbid he NOT just be a sex crazed maniac or an idiot with a hard on.

I don't know or care anything about their relationship. Maybe you're right and Beyonce did something to drive him to infidelity, or maybe the right chick came along at the right time and he slipped up in a moment of weakness.

At the end of the day, none of this should matter that much to any of us, but even if you're concerned by how men in general are perceived because of things like this, I feel like the focus should be more on showing how celebrity are men and capable of making mistakes. At the end of the day, Jay is a man, regardless of what Bey may have or may not have done, he made the decision to step out. He should be man enough to take the consequences of his actions without pointing fingers.
Joe Budden once said on this very subject, "The art of understanding is dead."

Especially is the era of the internet where at the stroke of a keyboard, you can pretend like anyone who does anything you dislike or disagree with came out of a vacuum of unexplainable evil... because that's easier than answering the question of "why".

For fucks sake, this is not a Jay/Beyonce thread or about celebrities. They are examples of what happens everyday.

And @SneakDZA this also isn't a gender war thread. So you can relax.
Joe Budden once said on this very subject, "The art of understanding is dead."

Especially is the era of the internet where at the stroke of a keyboard, you can pretend like anyone who does anything you dislike or disagree with came out of a vacuum of unexplainable evil... because that's easier than answering the question of "why".

For fucks sake, this is not a Jay/Beyonce thread or about celebrities. They are examples of what happens everyday.

And @SneakDZA this also isn't a gender war thread. So you can relax.
bruh........you gotta stop.

people are not trying to understand anything anymore. people dont like thinking and processing and deducing. what is your point so i can agree or dispute.

and bringing up a topic for the sake of discussion is dead too.
why talk about something thats not true or made up just to talk?
everyone wants to shut shit down.
At the end of the day It's hard for me to side with a person that cheats. I think all cheaters must hang, tbh. I don't care what Bey did or didn't do. They made an agreement to each other and Jay broke it. It's like when a woman cheats on a man because he's not as affectionate as he used to be. It's bullshit, you're unhappy? Leave, then do what you have to do.





Wtf. Wait a minute. Is this some lingo I'm not clued up on or you're being literal?
...that everytime a high quality male steps out on his woman, it's because of something wrong with him?

The Lemonade/444 rollout was great. Wade retired with 3 rings. Tiger will forever be remembered as the greatest golfer in history.

That's all well and cute, but will we in the social stratosphere ever ask the question "Did Beyonce lack in anyway whatsoever?" Or is that a level of honesty that undermines the dominant narrative of masculinity?

Because you always have the option to leave. Nobody has to cheat. It's a choice you make therefore regardless of what your motivation is the final decision lies on that person not the circumstances that lead up to it. It would offer more context as to why they did what they did but it wouldn't change the fact that nobody forced them to do it