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So Black Men are going to get the blame if Kamala Harris loses to Donald Trump in November

In the past we were free agents, the plan should be to go back to that. We can swing any election but we never demand anything from either party. Jews, Latinos, LGBT weirdos, all put political pressure for specific issues. And I'm not just talking in the presidential race, but congress, state, and local races too.

Neither of these parties care about us, and when Latinos get big enough, both will ignore us outright like they do Asians if we don't change it up.

Lol free agents? That's not really how it worked in the past. Especially to a group of people that actively keep having to fight for their voting rights even now. They're not recruiting votes they're actively trying to strip the right away
Fine, she wasn't targeting black people. She was taking action knowing that black people would be hurt more than other groups. Does that really make it any better? lol

You're right. It's wrong semantically to say Kamala targeted black people, but I don't think that makes a difference when it comes to people's arguments for why black people shouldn't support her.

It does if your want an actual honest discussion on her potential policies and where she stands. Just throwing out shit like "she put Black women in jail for their kids missing school" is no different than the bullshit lies coming from the racist right.
How was he a conspiracy theorist though? He was right about covid.

The Democratic Party did take him seriously, that why they did a full-court press to run him out. Same way they screwed Bernie twice. Not that I fuck with either of them, but it points out how much the selection process was controlled by the party heads and not voter base.

Ok so you go get support for the guy who went to say wifi causes leaky brains and cancer. That's right up there with "Covid is an excuse to infect you with 5g"
Lol free agents? That's not really how it worked in the past. Especially to a group of people that actively keep having to fight for their voting rights even now. They're not recruiting votes they're actively trying to strip the right away
That's exactly how it was in the past until the aftermath of the 60s/70s. And who is "they"? Democrats flatout have pushed out Black voices here in LA for Latinos. Republicans don't give a dman about us either. Statewide here in CA we have little pollical voice, and it's deep blue. And nationally....not any different with either party. This despite our votes getting Biden into office last time around

So any plan where we don't demand specific things, is a failed plan
Ok so you go get support for the guy who went to say wifi causes leaky brains and cancer. That's right up there with "Covid is an excuse to infect you with 5g"
I said I don't fuck with him in the post you just replied to 🤣

My point is the primary process was killed. RFK was ran off, and Biden given the re-election nom. Why that matters? Look at the current situation. Those of us who questioned Biden's health were dismissed or called conspiracy theorists.....

Now after ignoring our opinions, thoughts, views for 4 years, we're supposed to fall in line to vote for Kamala. Maybe some of yall should have taken the primary process more seriously, don't blame black men for the party's failures and lies.
I said I don't fuck with him in the post you just replied to 🤣

My point is the primary process was killed. RFK was ran off, and Biden given the re-election nom. Why that matters? Look at the current situation. Those of us who questioned Biden's health were dismissed or called conspiracy theorists.....

Now after ignoring our opinions, thoughts, views for 4 years, we're supposed to fall in line to vote for Kamala. Maybe some of yall should have taken the primary process more seriously, don't blame black men for the party's failures and lies.
. You the one who asked what conspiracies he was floating out there. I already said in multiple posts the 2 party system is flawed. But pushing JFK out there as some solution ain't it. Nobody in this thread is blaming Black men for anything. In fact it's purpose is to combat that narrative. So if that's your beef then you in the wrong arena.
It does if your want an actual honest discussion on her potential policies and where she stands. Just throwing out shit like "she put Black women in jail for their kids missing school" is no different than the bullshit lies coming from the racist right.

Her policy was to put jail time on the table for parents of truant children. Whether you frame the complaint against her as "she targetted black women" or "she was going to disproportionately impact black women," the discussion of the policy doesn't change. The problem people have with her is that she's a black woman, and when she got power, she didn't really act in the interests of the black people. If you disagree with that sentiment, fine, but it would make more sense for you to post examples of her actually doing thing to help black people rather than poking at the language used in the complaints against her. I'm not saying its unot important to be accurate/precise in language, but even if you're right in this little semantic quibble, it doesn't really change anything about the primary criticisms.
Her policy was to put jail time on the table for parents of truant children. Whether you frame the complaint against her as "she targetted black women" or "she was going to disproportionately impact black women," the discussion of the policy doesn't change. The problem people have with her is that she's a black woman, and when she got power, she didn't really act in the interests of the black people. If you disagree with that sentiment, fine, but it would make more sense for you to post examples of her actually doing thing to help black people rather than poking at the language used in the complaints against her. I'm not saying its unot important to be accurate/precise in language, but even if you're right in this little semantic quibble, it doesn't really change anything about the primary criticisms.
I know this is going to be hard for you to handle but @TTBF has put you on ignore..Im sorry man, this is devastating
. You the one who asked what conspiracies he was floating out there. I already said in multiple posts the 2 party system is flawed. But pushing JFK out there as some solution ain't it. Nobody in this thread is blaming Black men for anything. In fact it's purpose is to combat that narrative. So if that's your beef then you in the wrong arena.
I'm just answering the topic which directedly asks if we'll get blamed. My beef is with the notion that it's on us to support a party that has ignored us for four years straight. We've been cut out of the process despite putting Biden in office in 20', and now that they fucked up on a historic level by not having his old ass give up re-election last year....the focus is on us again to save the Dems.

It's not about pushing RFK this cycle, or Bernie in 2020, it's about allowing the voters to decide. You know....actual democracy. There should have been a real primary with all the young blood out there, but party heads said no. So here we are, I just know it's not on us
Her policy was to put jail time on the table for parents of truant children. Whether you frame the complaint against her as "she targetted black women" or "she was going to disproportionately impact black women," the discussion of the policy doesn't change. The problem people have with her is that she's a black woman, and when she got power, she didn't really act in the interests of the black people. If you disagree with that sentiment, fine, but it would make more sense for you to post examples of her actually doing thing to help black people rather than poking at the language used in the complaints against her. I'm not saying its unot important to be accurate/precise in language, but even if you're right in this little semantic quibble, it doesn't really change anything about the primary criticisms.

It's not little semantic babble. There's a big difference in "she was locking up single mothers" vs what the policy actually did and how it was enacted. That's a huge reason why alot don't even know what the policy was, how long itd actually been around beforr her and what was actually done under it. Those are two very different lenses to view that issue through. And I did post the things she did positively already.
It's not little semantic babble. There's a big difference in "she was locking up single mothers" vs what the policy actually did and how it was enacted. That's a huge reason why alot don't even know what the policy was, how long itd actually been around beforr her and what was actually done under it. Those are two very different lenses to view that issue through. And I did post the things she did positively already.

I never said she was locking up a ton of single mothers. I said she was targeting black single mothers, and while I acknowledge that is different than saying that her policy would disproportionately hurt black single mothers, I do not think that difference is that significant when you consider that she very likely knew her policy would disproportionately hurt black single mothers.
Yeah, it's tough. How dare I disagree with him on a topic that doesn't even concern him. lol
I didn't put you on ignore it was that myth nigga sounding doofy. I've been talking to you all day. And I've repeatedly acknowledged I'm a spectator in this. You have the floor to correct me on anything wrong I've said.

But don't source the niggas I actually have on ignore for information about me. 😅
I didn't put you on ignore it was that myth nigga sounding doofy. I've been talking to you all day. And I've repeatedly acknowledged I'm a spectator in this. You have the floor to correct me on anything wrong I've said.

But don't source the niggas I actually have on ignore for information about me. 😅
You're an expert on American politics but how come you never talk about the slums of Guyana, where your family fled from?
I'm just answering the topic which directedly asks if we'll get blamed. My beef is with the notion that it's on us to support a party that has ignored us for four years straight. We've been cut out of the process despite putting Biden in office in 20', and now that they fucked up on a historic level by not having his old ass give up re-election last year....the focus is on us again to save the Dems.

It's not about pushing RFK this cycle, or Bernie in 2020, it's about allowing the voters to decide. You know....actual democracy. There should have been a real primary with all the young blood out there, but party heads said no. So here we are, I just know it's not on us

And if don't live your life according to twitter...then Black men aren't being blamed. Shit even if you do then you'd know right now there's praise going on for Black men for raising over 1.3 mill for her just last night. And those trying to push that narrative are rightfully being told to shut the fuck up.
I never said she was locking up a ton of single mothers. I said she was targeting black single mothers, and while I acknowledge that is different than saying that her policy would disproportionately hurt black single mothers, I do not think that difference is that significant when you consider that she very likely knew her policy would disproportionately hurt black single mothers.

But the reality of the policy is...it didn't do that. So why focus on a narrative that you provided evidence for that didn't so that?
It's not about pushing RFK this cycle, or Bernie in 2020, it's about allowing the voters to decide. You know....actual democracy. There should have been a real primary with all the young blood out there, but party heads said no. So here we are, I just know it's not on us
I remember in the thick of RFK being railroaded the "save democracy" crowd was celebrating
