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Good episode

I wonder what shoe drops next episode

Avi put up a good fight. Guess Teddy not gonna get his guns thus making his deal with Louie moot
Good episode

I wonder what shoe drops next episode

Avi put up a good fight. Guess Teddy not gonna get his guns thus making his deal with Louie moot
Next week,
Teddy prolly thinks Franklin is behind Avi s beat down
Teddy robs Franklin
Franklin goes to look for his bread, I think Teddy plays coy about who robbed him

Franklin unravels and takes it out on every one including Louie

it also looks like they found a storage unit where the 5 mil Peaches stole are being Stored

this all I could deduce from the preview
Nah that scene was Grady offering him to cut the price to 9k if Franklin took him up in his plane

In my head I remember Grady letting Franklin take over the controls in the plane, but I could absolutely be wrong and I'm not going back to rewatch and confirm cause this shit mid. Take care.
IIRC the new connect who teddy came back and killed in the beginning of the season was teaching Franklin how to fly.


in one of 1st scenes, if not the 1st, he was already flyin that mf

& it could take 2 or 3yrs to get your pilot license

so this nigga runnin 1 of the biggest drug organizations but finds the time to get enough hrs in the air to complete his training?

foh lol
