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Should You Discipline/Raise Boys and Girls The Same Way?

Should Boy and Girls Be Raised and Disciplined The Same?

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I would think it'll be the other way around. Why do you feel it's better to be harder on the boys and let the girls slide with shit?

I guess I should have used a better word than hard, firm and direct would be more my approach with both my boys and girls, I think parents should be firm and direct to both boys and girls.

As far as the girls getting away with stuff, simple stuff more so, nothing major...if the girls fuck up, then they will be punished, but if it' something simple/minor then I may turn my head a few times, but it will be addressed.
Yea, I'd prolly be the same. But in the regards to dating, I wouldn't say Ima be super strict with my daughter, cuz that'll prolly backfire, but there's gonna be alot more lessons and conversations had with her during her teens, than I'll be having with my son.
General ground rules will be equal

Everything else no...

On a side note...i make an extra effort to be more affectionate towards my son...as fathers of black boys who will be black men sometimes we are so caught up in preparing them for the world we forget that they need that affection from thier dad as much as the other stuff

I make it a point to hug my son. To tell him I love him often. Me and my boy got our own handshake. Been doin it since he was 5.
I'm not all that affectionate toward my son, he gets that from his mom. I'm that way because my dad wasn't that way with me but my mom was.
These new pictures from the inside look like a little girl face..
I don't think that will ever be his and my relationship. My affection towards him is us play fighting, going downstairs and working out. Me and him hang out the most out of all the other kids so he'll know his dad got love for him
I don't think that will ever be his and my relationship. My affection towards him is us play fighting, going downstairs and working out. Me and him hang out the most out of all the other kids so he'll know his dad got love for him

Thats wussup man. We doing the same thing just got different methods
LOL, nah that's my lil nigga. His ass don't even look for me to be that way, he'll probably look at me crazy if I started hugging him
Still feel the same way.

I will bust my daughter ass the same way I busted my son's ass
Damn, good thread bump

I have some more thoughts on this

I'ma post when I get to a kb
No, I wouldn't raise them the same but only because you need to prepare them for different struggles they're each more likely to experience.

Yes, they should be disciplined the same because it should be measured by the action that warranted a punishment, not who did it.