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FEATURED Should Rich People Give Money To Their Relatives When They Ask?

This is pretty much my plan also.

I'd hook my family up too. But the amount they get is all they gettin. What they do wit it is on them. If they spend it all up...it is on THEM. Don't come back askin me for more.

But b/c its Jay...everyone wants to fake outrage as if he dropped some asinine statement. There's a lot of muthafuccas in & outside of this site who don't fucc with a few of their family members for this very reason.

Who wants to be continuously bothered with family coming up asking for money at a family function???


The same folks trying to shame Jay is the same damn folks that at least got1 Family or Friend they wouldn't lend a dollar to. But Jay has to.
The documentary "Broke" was made for a reason.

Most rich muhfuckas go broke because family stay suckin em dry when they find out there's money around. Not saying Jay gotta to give every 1st and 2nd cousin, aunt/uncle, step-brother, and sister-in-law a check, but there should be some sort of look out there.

With that, there's always a caveat to it, and family reunions shouldn't be "step into my office time." Migga might as well be The Godfather.

The Bold and the Bad Boys doc was probably the 2 best 30 for 30
I been saying for years, this mentality comes from 2 places. People bitter that their kids have an easier life. And that fake touch love that white people preach in interviews or online but dont really ever practice, but a lot of black people dont live around these people and dont know that they dont follow it and but are trying to imitate a lie in order to reach success.

They'l brag how their kids left for college then after graduating, didnt move back cuz they got their own spot and a good job somewhere. But they'll leave out how they bought their kid a brand new car for college, then paid their tuition/bill, then after they graduated, pays their rent or bought them a house, then got them a well paying job they werent qualified for.

I personally knew quite a few white kids with a story like this. Parents straight up bought them a house cash after high school, or bought an apartment, and they then rented it to their kids real cheap. These are most of the kids yall kicking you kids out at 18 and expecting them to compete with and wondering why they arnt as successful.

Edit: I forgot to add the shit about Lil Romeo and Master P that got exposed. I remember him being on MTV Cribs braggin how his room in his house cost a million dollars. Spent a whole mill just to have gold in his room and was giving houses to his rapper friends, than years later, he wouldnt even buy his kids a car to get started in life, they gotta get a ride or ride the bus. Got Romeo online saying his siblings couldnt even afford to go to school cuz he wouldnt pay for it. He wants them to do it all on their own. Df is the point of being rich if ya kids gotta struggle like you are broke. Thats the definition of a ho ass nigga.

Sometimes, working around white people, they'll expose stories for no reason. I remember a former coworker told me a story one time that either they were a relative of his or a neighbor. Anywho, This kid's parents bought their child a house, and a car for starters. The child drove reckless in it, and smashed up his nice car, then the parents turned around and bought him another nice car like it was nothing. All I could do is sing Lyfe Jennings as I heard that story lol
Sometimes, working around white people, they'll expose stories for no reason. I remember a former coworker told me a story one time that either they were a relative of his or a neighbor. Anywho, This kid's parents bought their child a house, and a car for starters. The child drove reckless in it, and smashed up his nice car, then the parents turned around and bought him another nice car like it was nothing. All I could do is sing Lyfe Jennings as I heard that story lol
I kid you not, where i grew up, that story was common in my high school and especially in the private schools near mean. By senior year, kids would be on their second 3rd or even 4th car cuz they kept crashing them. Parents would just buy another one. In fact i knew a couple kids that had more than 1 car. Their sports car and their daily. 1 kid a knew, his daily was his awd turbo eclipse and the other was his even faster srt-4.
Now that im thinking, I also knew kids that got a car at 16, then got a brand new car as a gift for graduating highschool, smh
I ain't even mad at Jay on NOTHING he said in that clip. I don't even blame him.

I said if I ever got to a place in life where I can financially be comfortable in life I would try to give back in life however I could. The problem with most people in today's society is that most feel like they are ENTITLED not only to ppls money, but also their time & space.

Folks that are rich or in a different space aren't obligated to help to everybody every time said friend, family member etc., comes around. I see this shit with my mother and elderly cousin where she worries the heck out my mom but she has 3 grown sons that can help her with certain things but she tries to occupy my mom's time. Sometimes she either tells her no or simply don't answer the phone.

If I ever got rich I would help my immediate family members once and that's it.
Many niggas got mad at free plane tix cuz they was in the middle row.

But them same niggas get mad, when no one helps them come.

It never mad at their life decision in why they can’t get the money up.
Which media movie billionaire ain’t evil?

We are taught that all billionaires are evil narcissistic assholes that not to be liked.

Think about the guy who died in the sub.
People laughed and couldn’t wait to say how stupid he was as a billionaire.
Why couldn’t he be just stupid for getting in the sub? What does his worth have to do with it? If that’s the case, then one of them people saved up to die. No jokes for that person huh?
Yet billionaires convinced niggas that taking an experimental drug to stop from getting sick and niggas lined up with no question. Told y’all ya need boosters and the shits coming back…..y’all still in line.

Billionaires….good or bad? Or does it depend on the benefit they provide to you directly?

It wasn’t that he was a billionaire… it’s that he was a billionaire and cheaped out/cut corners on proper equipment when his life literally depended on it.

That’s pretty fuckin hilarious
It wasn’t that he was a billionaire… it’s that he was a billionaire and cheaped out/cut corners on proper equipment when his life literally depended on it.

That’s pretty fuckin hilarious
Cheap, ignorant or both. Either way…..he gambled with his life the same way everyday people do at times.

We can say, ah he was a billionaire and should have known better. But that’s assuming someone with money is perfect thus meaning those without it is not. Yet if those people with money tried to educate those without it, then they are not perfect. Crazy how money can change how someone is viewed. By both sides..
At this point in my life, I look at it like this:

Powerball is just over a billion as of today, $1.2B to be exact. Cash out on it is $551.7M. Let's say I win it Wednesday. I'mma take the cash out option and after taxes (Fed and Michigan) I'm sittin on $323.7M.

With that much money, this is how I'mma handle my family:

Obviously, moms gets more than everyone. $5M-$10M, I'm not 100% sure where it's gonna fall.
My step parents, past and present, each see $1M.
My kids will get $2M-$5M each. Not sure about this one either.
Grandbabies (there's two so far) getting $2M in a trust fund.
I'm handing each of my siblings $2M.
My nieces and nephews get $1M
My aunts gettin $1M
My cousins, and its a whole lot of them muhfuckas, they get either $500k or $750K, I'm undecided.
My cousins' kids... I'mma drop about $100k on 'em... maybe a lil more. Mostly in trust funds 'cause the majority of them are still under 18.
That's as far as I'mma go. And this is purely for the family I know. I got cousins all over the fuckin place that I've never met. We family, but I don't know none of them so they don't get the same treatment as the family I grew up with.

I don't wanna hear SHIT after this. I don't wanna hear about nothing "fool proof", no investments, no nothing. When we at the cookout, let's just kick it and eat. I don't wanna hear no money talk. If you're stupid and blow it, that's 100% on you, don't come bringing ya ass on over thisaway singing sad songs and shit.

With the size of my family, I should still be left sittin' on over $200M, waaaaaay more than enough to retire on and live out my days chillin', doing whatever the fuck I wanna do.

That's just what I would do with $323M. Jay, with his billion or so, could easily hand everyone a check like this and be like "do what you gonna do with this, but don't ask for anything else when it's gone". Then point them to a financial planner as a suggestion on how to manage whatever he gave them.

Sometimes, working around white people, they'll expose stories for no reason. I remember a former coworker told me a story one time that either they were a relative of his or a neighbor. Anywho, This kid's parents bought their child a house, and a car for starters. The child drove reckless in it, and smashed up his nice car, then the parents turned around and bought him another nice car like it was nothing. All I could do is sing Lyfe Jennings as I heard that story lol
Yeah some white folks got it made. I thought about this article recently, tbh i couldn't really ask anyone in my family for more than a few hundreds. Most don't got it like that and the few that do are pretty stingy about it
It really depends on the approach and how I'm feeling at the moment. If I feel like you being genuinely humble and you come to me respectfully.... there's really not much to discuss I got you.

But if you come to me mad aggressive and entitled like I got no choice in the matter... fuck you.

Also history plays a part. How much money have I given you over the years. And how often did you hit me up before I made it?
If that person is me yes

Sidenote from what I hear Jay is very charitable with his friends like people he grew up with who work regular jobs, and takes them on all expense paid vacations to exotic places and what not
I know a slew of y’all are gonna come in here talking about family being leeches and hatingand stuff. But if I was a billionaire my family being taken care of like the Lannisters. That’s enough money to have all extended family taken care of. Nighas copped your albums
Immediate family and friends wouldn't even have to ask. It's the rest of them niggas that can get tf on. If it ain't about the kids future dont ask me bout nothin
I agree with him. ain’t nobody tryna be asked for money all the damn time. Just because I’m rich don’t entitle my family to my money.

It doesn’t mean I automatically gotta give you money either. It’s a lot of my family I wouldn’t give a dime or a fuck to if I got rich.