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Should 'Non Foundational" Blacks be able to use the N-Word?

Bro. I'm an African American a foundational black and I don't want blacks to say it cause I don't but it seems like y'all would be tree types to let fat Joe, snitch nine and others say or call y'all niggas in y'alls presence. Y'all got it though
Something that's been grinding my gears since the i.c. NOW to here at abw. Y'all was all about making this a safe space for women and I get that.

That's commendable but with that said why do yall ve allowing non foundational blacks to say nigga? I don't even say the word but yall be letting cats from canada, the u.k., and even an African say it. Would y'all let these people say this to you in real life without checking them?

Just a random(not so random) thought

black people can say nigga non black people can’t it’s that simple
Black Americans aren't the only ones who went thru slavery and its ramifications hurt us all.

I dunno why so many African Americans seem to see enemies in other black people

We brothers in trauma King, this is silly

Niggas feel like Africans are uppity and Caribbean’s think we lazy. And niggas forgot about black people everywhere idk the shit stupid.
Youre one of them bub.
Cellar door
King Freeman

Are you not entertained?
Y'all cool peeps but damn. It ain't y'all fault but like if y'all said this in front of me on real life I would have to check you. Y'all still my dudes though

Ain't a nigga on this site that could pull up to where I'm at and check me in real life. Fuck whatever else you talking about.
Nah we not doin that. Yall wanted the nigga unbanned and said it's cool to talk reckless on here, cool.

I been told you you multiple times you better than me.


You could just delete the post tho. Fr.