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COMMUNITY Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation. (Update: Connecticut jury orders Alex Jones to pay nearly $1 billion for Sandy Hook lies)

Saying the earth is flat doesnt cause anyone pain and suffering

Also you can not have an opinion about a fact

How much pain and suffering do you think it caused the Goldmans when people were saying OJ didn't kill Nichole. Should all those people be sued? I know for damn sure 9/11 truthers hurt people every time they say Bush knocked down the Towers.
I don't think the lawsuit is going anywhere. He's just going to stand behind the first amendment. It's the right to free speech, not truthful speech. People mouth off dumb made up stuff all the time. That doesn't equal slander.
I don't think the lawsuit is going anywhere. He's just going to stand behind the first amendment. It's the right to free speech, not truthful speech. People mouth off dumb made up stuff all the time. That doesn't equal slander.

If he presented it as a fact when it’s false the 1st Amendment wouldn’t protect him here. If what you stated was true there would be no successful defamation suits ever.
If he presented it as a fact when it’s false the 1st Amendment wouldn’t protect him here. If what you stated was true there would be no successful defamation suits ever.

In your opinion should Hannibal Buress have been sued by Bill Cosby for defamation when he said "you're a rapist, Bill Cosby"
In your opinion should Hannibal Buress have been sued by Bill Cosby for defamation when he said "you're a rapist, Bill Cosby"

No because an audience at a comedy show has no reason to take anything as fact. Hyperbole is expected in that setting (Cosby would also have to prove that the claim is false but that’s a whole other conversation). Alex Jones presents himself as a news source, completely different.

That’s the reason I also see this settling before it gets anywhere near a courtroom. In trial the only defense Jones could use would be to say no one could reasonably expect the statements he makes to be true, and admitting that would destroy his entire platform.
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No because an audience at a comedy show has no reason to take anything as fact. Hyperbole is expected in that setting (Cosby would also have to prove that the claim is false but that’s a whole other conversation). Alex Jones presents himself as a news source, completely different.

That’s the reason I also see this settling before it gets anywhere near a courtroom. In trial the only defense Jones could use would be to say no one could reasonably expect the statesments he makes to be true, and admitting that would destroy his entire platform.

So whether someone wins in a court room is based on whether an audience is expected to believe them? That don't seem fair. And after he said it multiple woman came out so what may have not seemed true at the time seems true now. Also there's a poster in this thread who said it was fake. He did exactly what AJ did but because he got less followers it don't count?
So whether someone wins in a court room is based on whether an audience is expected to believe them? That don't seem fair. And after he said it multiple woman came out so what may have not seemed true at the time seems true now. Also there's a poster in this thread who said it was fake. He did exactly what AJ did but because he got less followers it don't count?

Absolutely, that’s how defamation works. If someone makes false statements that no one reasonable would believe to be true, then how can someone claim the false statements harmed them?
Absolutely, that’s how defamation works. If someone makes false statements that no one reasonable would believe to be true, then how can someone claim the false statements harmed them?

How can someone be harmed from a statement?

Alex Jones, Backtracking, Now Says Sandy Hook Shooting Did Happen

Talk show host Alex Jones has responded to a lawsuit from the parents of two children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn. Jones has repeatedly claimed on his website, Infowars, that the shooting was staged.

In a YouTube video, Jones said he now believes the shooting really happened, and that the families are being used by the Democratic Party and the news media. Jones invited the parents onto his program for a discussion about guns.

In the past, Jones has repeatedly claimed the shooting was staged and that parents of children who died in the shooting are actors.

The plaintiffs are the parents of Jesse Heslin and Noah Pozner, who were among the 20 students and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School who died in the shooting. They’re seeking at least $1 million from Jones. The lawsuit alleges Jones’s misinformation led conspiracy theorists to make death threats against the families of shooting victims.