Russia Declares War on Ukraine

Say what you want about the source but he’s not wrong

He is being misleading. A lot of the money is used to replace the stores of equipment we transfer to Ukraine. He makes it seem like it’s a blank check for Ukraine and it’s not.

I think Biden should give more but he will never do more than just enough to keep Russia from outright winning.
He is being misleading. A lot of the money is used to replace the stores of equipment we transfer to Ukraine. He makes it seem like it’s a blank check for Ukraine and it’s not.

I think Biden should give more but he will never do more than just enough to keep Russia from outright winning.

Why do you care who wins?
Because of my principles.

Can you expound on that?

It’s just funny that I haven’t heard a single person who is in favor of helping Ukraine actually spell out why it matters

I wasn’t asking to be smug I’m genuinely curious

Tryna see who is standing on more than intelligence agency propaganda
Can you expound on that?

It’s just funny that I haven’t heard a single person who is in favor of helping Ukraine actually spell out why it matters

I wasn’t asking to be smug I’m genuinely curious

Tryna see who is standing on more than intelligence agency propaganda

I don’t like bullies. Even when the bully doesn’t target us and we feel relief, we are still diminished in the end for not doing anything. I do not believe that might makes right.

Ukraine wants to fight for the homeland, they want to be able to defend themselves, and they want national sovereignty. These are all principles I believe in. All we have to do supply them with the arms to fight. We don’t need to send a single American soldier in. I believe Ukrainians should have their own agency, and be able to choose their own destiny. Russia doesn’t want that, so I want to see Russia lose.

From a practical standpoint, it makes sense to weaken Russia as well. How many people said it didn’t matter when Hitler and Stalin started carving up Europe? Lots, but it did matter.

also, I find it a bit ironic that the people crying about much money Ukraine is getting, are all the same people who don’t think the government is ever capable spending money wisely anyways. By their logic, it would be like being mad that the guy who mugged you spent your money on beer instead of cigarettes.
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