As much shit is talked about when it comes to the US policing the world, alot of the world is reliant on the US to be the police.
A bunch of European countries are out there giving universal health care to their people cause they dont need to spend a ton on their military because the US got them.
And that shit ends up meaning alot.
The US ends up getting really good trade deals because of its influence as the worlds cop. Countries want the US to be reliant on them for something and the US will protect them for their interest.
Its a symbiotic relationship that benefits both sides.
Ontop of that, the US having this influence also allows the US to sanction countries like Russia because so many of the worlds economies will indeed sanction Russia just cause America said so.
Imagine in 30 years, Russia grows in influence and turns around and gets the rest of the world to put a 50% tax on US goods.
Thats alot of power.
All that to say, Russia invading Ukraine means nothing in a vacuum.
But it has this ripple down effect of America not being able to protect mfers, which will start wading US influence down and trade deals are no longer in our favor etc etc.