It looks like Captain Apartheid is switching sides…
Let’s be real Elon is a fucking moron. I cannot believe he said that shit, didn’t get the results he wanted in a poll so he does another fucking poll worded differently. “Let the people decide” okay yeah let the south secede because the people there want slaves. So fucking dumb.
I thought Hillary was out of control saying Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian asset but now I’m thinking she was maybe on to something.The venn diagram of Russian talking points and Republican talking points is a circle.
Exactly. But people want one fucking guru to put all their trust in, and then you get people like Elon who get their ass kissed 24/7 who really believe they’re a guru.Because a mfer is smart in one field (business and marketting for musk), doeant mean they are smart in other fields.
People need to just stop labeling mfere as smart and thinking theyre smart when it comes to multiple fields.