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Ric Flair Getting “Canceled”

not just in wrestling, but in all music, all movies etc you’re gonna get mad stories of those who we look up to as perverts and dicks. when you got money and power you’re untouchable and invincible

before the last president got elected, he could be heard on tape sayin he could grab em by the pussy


we gotta be livin a simulation
I used to watch it back in the 90s and maybe early 2000s when it was WWF

Had no idea the nickname nature boy came from that lol

I'm not surprised by the stories though
This nigga been braggin bout "kiss stealing" and Space Mountain for over half a century, and we pick til he's one foot in the grave to speak out? I'm not gonna get on the Tommy Dreamer bandwagon, but damn if I'm not gonna strut around in a bathrobe and slap a random oblivious jabroni across the chest the first chance I get. In the words of Hitman Holla, swing now or get over it.

*hits the Ric Flair flop*
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This nigga been braggin bout "kiss stealing" and Space Mountain for over half a decade, and we pick til he's one foot in the grave to speak out? I'm not gonna get on the Tommy Dreamer bandwagon, but damn if I'm not gonna strut around in a bathrobe and slap a random oblivious jabroni across the chest the first chance I get. In the words of Hitman Holla, swing now or get over it.

*hits the Ric Flair flop*

A decade bruh
Seriously, sooner or later we're gonna acknowledge the nature (no pun intended) of men in power, especially in entertainment. If a man is playing womanizing character on screen/stage, chances are that character is gonna spill out in real life. It only takes one incident, even if that person is otherwise clean. Flair, Vince McMahon, Stone Cold, Hogan, and many others have very public incidents on their jackets... imagine what we don't know. If you grew up watching these ppl, you can think what you want about them. But if you have kids, watch who they idolize so they don't have to feel the guilt and conflict we feel when their heroes get caught up.
Yeah cosign

A lot of sex, drugs and rock n roll if you will.... even chicks like Sunny, Mickie James, etc. Were fuckin the whole locker room.
I apologize brother Sion, but you are misinformed. While most of Sunny's exploits have been confirmed the only confirmed relationship Mickie James has had outside of her current husband Magnus was John Cena. The rest is just internet speculation. So the claim that she was "fuckin" the whole locker room is a bit defaming. May you be blessed and have a wonderful day brother Sion
Seriously, sooner or later we're gonna acknowledge the nature (no pun intended) of men in power, especially in entertainment. If a man is playing womanizing character on screen/stage, chances are that character is gonna spill out in real life. It only takes one incident, even if that person is otherwise clean. Flair, Vince McMahon, Stone Cold, Hogan, and many others have very public incidents on their jackets... imagine what we don't know. If you grew up watching these ppl, you can think what you want about them. But if you have kids, watch who they idolize so they don't have to feel the guilt and conflict we feel when their heroes get caught up.
Or, or...dudes need to stop being creeps